Meeting your best friend

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You decide to go to the store to buy some groceries since you're running low on food. "Ugh, it's so hot outside.." you say to yourself as you walk to your car. You drive over to the store and remember that you are still kinda sick, the store doors open and you enter, the cold air swarms around you. You look around for the medicine isle, you start walking to it and look through the shelves for the Zicam. "Hmm... is it all sold out...?" You ask yourself and look around to find an employee and ask if they have anymore.
  "Excuse me, miss? Do you need help with something?" A man asks you, you turn around to see a tall guy with blonde hair and a warm smile. "Miss?" He says again. "O-oh, yes actually. Do you happen to have any more Zicam?" You say.
"Oh, zicam... I think we do. Follow me please."
"OK. Thank you so much."
"No problem, miss. This is my job afterall." He says with a smile.
You follow him to the back of the store and he leads you over to a pile of boxes, Here, let me just grab one," he says as he bends down and reaches for a box with a load of pill bottles, "here you go, miss. Have a good day!" He says and hands you the medicine. You look down at his name tag, "Thank you so much, Jonghyun!"
"You're welcome!"
You walk out and go to the food isle, searching through you look out the corner of your eye you find your favorite snack, "Oooo! Perfect!" As you grab the snack and put it on your basket you feel someone touch your shoulder, "hm?" You say as you turn around, "Oh, Jonghyun! What is it?"
"Oh well I just wanted to ask your name. You seem so nice, maybe we could become friends?"
"Oh, totally! My name is y/n, should we exchange numbers?"
"Oh sure!"
He gives you his number and you give yours, his smile makes you smile as you glance up at him. "Well, I can't wait to hang out next time, goodbye, y/n!" He says. "Goodbye, Jonghyun!" You say and you both part ways.

After a long day of shopping you finally go home to eat dinner. The warm air coming from the air vent makes you feel so cozy, but you feel to lazy to make dinner so you look through the ramen packets, "Hmm, beef flavor.. nah, chicken.. nope, ooo, kimchi ramen!" You grab the package and grab a lot with water, "OK, until it boils... add noodles... pour in flavoring.. ok. Seems easy enough." After the water boils you follow the instructions and after a couple minutes your ramen is done.
"Mmmm..." You say in delight as you eat the noodles.
After you eat you decide to watch YouTube on your phone, looking at your recommended page you scroll down to see a video called, "BTS is getting a new member!" You click on it, "Hey guys and welcome back to my channel! Today we are talking about something very exciting!" The speaker says. You start to read the description and the voice becomes muffled, "BTS's 8th member.... a girl.... could ruin the whole group...".... you're getting hate for this decision. A wave of regret rushes through your body, "I.. I think I shouldn't be the 8th member after all. Besides, I'm pregnant and I just think it's not my cup of tea..." You say to yourself.
You become overwhelmed with this decision, so you just sleep on it.

               THE NEXT DAY

"Ok, time to go train I guess..." You say and start packing your stuff and leave. The nervousness runs through your body as you walk down the sidewalk and into the building. You start to regret the decision but you know it's the right thing to do. Walking to the manager you start, "Hello, sir. I was wondering if I could-"
"Oh, Y/n! Yes, I'm sorry to say this bit we've been hearing some stuff that would prevent you from becomimg the 8th member. Like, you being pregnant and stuff like that, is this true?" The manager says.
You start to get nervous, "O-oh... Well, yes. Im so sorry for wasting your time, I'll leave if you want."
"Yes, please." The manager says with a frown and you leave the building with a smile. The feeling of freedom overwhelms you and you smile like an idiot back to your apartment.
  Back at home you start look at a job to get, "Oh! I wonder if I could work with Jonhyung?" You ask yourself and look at a job application for the store. You start to fill it out, -ping- Your phone goes, "Hey I was wondering if we could meet up today if it's ok with you. Let's get to know each other more :)" Jonghyun texts you.
You can't help but smile at the text, "Sure, where at?"
"How about that little coffee shop? I could pick you up if you want."
"No, no. It's fine, see you there!"
You get dressed in a little sun dress and head out to your car, the heat really hits you and you quickly get in the car and drive to the location. You arrive see Jonghyun through the window, his face makes you smile and you walk in and greet him with a warm smile. "Oh Hi, y/n! It's so good to see you again." He says and stands up to hug you. The hug wasn't expected by you but you still hugged him back as tight as he did. You both sit down and he starts a conversation, "So, how have you been even though it's only been a day since Iast saw you haha!"
"Oh, it's been good. I actually, um... quit my job because it was just too much for me."
"Oh, what was the job?"
"I was a trainee for the 8th member in BTS... I know that's a big deal and I was super happy but it's just.. too much y'know?"
"Oh wow! That is a very big deal. But you can always apply to work at the same place as me! We could be coworkers and best friends!" He says with a big smile and then the waiter comes up and asks us what we want.
"So do you want to apply for my work place?" He asks and sips his tea.
"Yea actually. I already looked up the place and applied for it already so we'll see what happens. I'd be so happy if we become coworkers."
"Yess!" He says and sips his tea again.
  After that long time chatting with him you both decide to go home. "It was great to see you again, y/n! Hope we can hang out again." He says and hugs you. "Great seeing you too, this was so fun." You say with a smile as you hug him back.
You watch him as he walks to his car and he turns his head to you and waves, you wave back and walk to your car.
As you drive back to your apartment you start to feel a little dizzy, "Oh, no. Please no, not now.." You quickly pull over and get out of the car, the dizziness gets worse and you feel your mouth tingle and your throat hurts, all of a sudden you vomit on the side of the road.
"Ugh," You complain to yourself. You sit on the ground for a while and you start to feel a little better, better enough to where you can drive back home.
You get in the car and drive home quickly, trying to stop yourself from vomiting again. You park your car and run to inside you apartment. The feeling comes back and you run to the bathroom and feel like dying, you decide to sit there with your phone in your hand ready to text Jonghyun about this... pregnancy but, you can't stop vomiting.
You keep vomiting until you feel like there is nothing else, you feel so weak and gross. The weakness corners you and the next thing you remember is your phone with a text that you were gonna send, "Help me."

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