Is hobi a stalker?

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"Can I come over?" You read the text and sigh, "Can I ever just relax?!?!"
You check who sent the message, it was from Suga.
"Oh, I guess so. Lemme just clean up a bit, you can start heading over." You text back with a smile. You honestly want to see him again.
After you pick up your chicken and clean the couch, almost immediately do you hear the doorbell ring. You pick up the last few things and open the door, "Hey y/n, sorry I came over all of a sudden... I just felt like you needed someone to cuddle with. "
You look at him and giggle, "You know what? That's exactly what I needed!"
He smiles at you and gives you a big hug. You feel him kiss the top of your head and you cuddle into his arms as you both fall on top of the couch. His eyes gaze into yours and you close your eyes and fall asleep on him, he laughs and puts his hands around you.
"I wish we could be together... because I love you..." he whispers into your ear and sighs. He holds on tighter and you feel him start to cry, as soon as you feel him shaking you pull out of his arms and look at him. He looks at you with tears in his eyes, "I want to be with you!" He whimpers and throws his arms around you, you don't know what to say. You slowly put your arms around him and try to comfort him, "I know it's hard, there's nothing I can really do though... I haven't been with Hobi for that long and I don't want to seem like a hoe to him. I'm really sorry and I know you care about me but I just-"
"I know, ok?! I just wish you never met us in the first place... it's all my fault." He says and pulls away from you. A feeling forms in your stomach, you feel sick again.
"Oh fuc-! *You run to the bathroom and vomit* I hate my life!"
You shut the door and start crying.
"What the heck y/n! Are you okay??!!" Suga asks and knocks on the door like crazy, you unlock the door and he comes running in to hug you.
You push him away and throw up again.
"SEE!?! EVERYTHING'S ALWAYS MY FAULT!" Suga yells and holds onto your arm to comfort you, "no...dont blame everything on you, something might you." You struggle to say and stand up to flush the toilet.
"I'm sorry... but this time it is my fault. God! I should've just took it out of you instead of letting it all out inside!"
At this point you really felt like laughing, but you didn't want to ruin this moment. You feel his eyes on you, he hugs you and you finally decide to hug back.
"I'm sorry that something always has to happen with me, I'm just a problematic person..." you say and hug tighter, a tear leaves you eye as you two cuddle in the corner. "Please don't say that, you bring so much joy in my life..." he says. You look at him with a sad expression, "I wish we could be a family... we could... could raise our baby, " You start saying as you touch your stomach, "I wish we could be happy together... maybe after you retire that all those things could come true."
Suga smiles, "I hope so, that would be a dream come true."
You both stand up and leave the bathroom, he holds you hand as you walk towards the couch.
As you sit down your phone buzzes, "Sorry Suga, let me see what this is," you grab your phone and stare at the notification in horror, "Y/n You better get off of Suga, you're mine!! I know what you're doing in there so stop it!" Hobi texts you.
"What is it?" Suga asks and slides closer to where he can see the screen.
"I-its a text from H-hosoek.." you stutter and look around your apartment. You spot a small black object on top of the T.V, you grab it and examine it, "O my god! This is a camera!" You say in shock and throw it across the room.
"What? Did Hosoek place it there??"
"I don't know! I don't even think he's been inside here, unless he broke in one day but I don't know when..."
"This is creepy, maybe I should leave then. He'll get mad at me..." Suga says and looks around cautiously, you look at him and run to him you give him a goodbye hug and watch him walk out of your apartment.
"I can't believe hobi right now... this is fucked up, there has got to be more that one camera of course." You say to yourself and observe all the little nooks and crannies of your apartment.
At last you manage to find 5 more cameras, but you still want to be sure hobi was the one who did this so you face time him, "Hey babe. How's your day?" Hobi says immediately after he answers.
"Um it's been okay but, I just want to make sure about something. "
"Yea? What is it?"
You hesitantly start to open your mouth to tell him, "U-um, so I found 6 cameras in my room that defiantly were not there before. Was it you that put them there?" You ask.
"-silence-.... Umm, no I don't think I've ever been in your apartment."
"Be honest or I'm might just break up with you and you know I don't want to do that!"
"I am! Why would I lie to you!?"
"I don't know! I got a text from you and I got suspicious!! Ugh!"
"Listen, you know how hard it is for me to let you hang out with Yoongi. So, I might've scared you a bit just to warn him that you're mine."
"Yea ok. But how did you know Suga would come over?"
"He told me on his way out, sorry y/n. But I might just be a very protective boyfriend."
You start feeling really bad for suspecting him but if it wasn't him then who was it?

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