Friend drama

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<After work>

You walk into your apartment to see Felix laying on your couch, you jump at the sight and walk a little closer. But by the time you can see his face his eyes open wide, "Oh! I guess I accidentally slept here..." he lies and sits up. "What are you doing here?" You ask still kinda shocked to see him.
He looks around everywhere but your eyes, "Felix!" You scream making him jump, "What are you doing here? And how in the world did you get in??" You ask one final time.
"I-I... ugh! Ok fine I'll tell you why I'm here, it's because I... I... o my gosh! Why is this so hard to say~!" He whimpers and throws his arms around you, your arms stay beside you as you reject his hug.
"Just answer the question." You say blankly and pull him away. His eyes filled with tears and he looks straight into your eyes, "I'm a yandere..."
You look at him with a confused look, "Yandere? Is that so bad?"
His eyes widen and he turns away from you, "It's bad when you talk to other guys, listen, when I see you talking to other people I feel an intense pain and anger for that person. It's bad, so bad that I might end up killing them, be careful."
You look at him again and laugh, "Haha! Really? I never knew that, is that why you are clearly jealous when I talk to other guys? Hah omg!"
He glances at you and gets up, looks you straight in the eyes, "Be. Careful." And he runs out of your apartment.
A moment of silence washes over you, "Wow, okay. What a strange day.."
You get up and find another camera, and another. "So they were there the whole time!?" You ask yourself and throw them away, "So my stalker is Felix... huh.."


You wake up startled and realize you're late for work, your head is pounding and you run to the bathroom. After you finish vomiting you lay back in bed and tell Jonghyun that you're not going to work.
"Hey Jonghyun, I just woke up and I ended up throwing up so I'm not going to work today Okay? Can you tell our boss that? Thanks." You text him, your body shaking.
"Oh my, I'll tell him right away. I hope you feel better soon, ♡" Jonghyun texts back along with tons of hearts.
You decide to go back to sleep, you crash instantly.

                      FELIX'S POV

I walk into the store y/n works at and I don't see her, "Hey, dude!" I call out to some guy that I've seen hanging around y/n.
"Yes? How can I help you?"
"Have you seen y/n?"
"Oh she texted me and said she isn't going to be here, she threw up and is probably sleeping so I wouldn't want to bother her." He says in a calm voice.
"Ugh whatever, she's mine and I'm going to make her feel better." I snap at him but try to calm down.
He shrugs and I run out of the store and drive straight to y/n's apartment.
I press in the code and walk in quietly, "y/n? Are you doing okay?" I ask. All of a sudden her bedroom door swings open and we become face to face, "W-what? How did you get in?!" She asks.
"Oh, w-well I kinda know your password so.."
"I uhh... I saw you press the numbers when I snuck by one time so I wrote them down.. I'm s-sorry." I say to her, she looks so scared. I can't help but hug her, tightly and she still rejects my hug.
I grab her arms and put them around me, but she let's go, "Felix.. this isn't you. You never acted like this..why." she says with a concerned voice and pulls me away so she can see my face.
"I-I don't know why I'm like this either. I just really want to be with you..." I say and hold her face with my shaking hands.
"Well I'm sorry but I'm already with Hobi, we can't work this out even if I wanted to. It's too risky especially since I know hobi can find out anything." She says and puts my hands down, I feel so rejected and unloved by everyone. Tears start to pour down as I walk away and leave the apartment.

                      YOUR POV

I felt kinda bad but I don't want to cheat on the person I love, especially since it's hobi♡♡
You glance over at the front door and look out the peep whole, Felix is standing there with his back facing you. You look closer and realize he's crying, but not just a small cry. He's got his hands over his face and his body is shaking, I open the door quietly and back hug him to tell him not to cry.
"My life is full of drama..." You say in your head, Felix turns around and hugs you back tightly, he lifts your face up and gets closer. His lips touch yours ever so slightly but you push him away, "We shouldn't do that, you know I'm dating some-"
"I know, okay?! Ugh! You act like I'm dumb or something!" He yells and stomps down the steps and runs to his car.
"What did I do wrong!?" You scream inside your head and walk inside your apartment.
A notification pings from your phone, walking over to it and looking at the message your hands decide to slam your phone down. It was a text from Tae. But your head questions what he texted so you flip your phone over, "Meet me at the park, we need to talk."
"Oh I'll come to the park alright but to smack you in the face!" You say out loud and open to the messages app to text back. You wonder what to say because you don't want to sound too harsh, "Mkay."
That was the text you sent.
"Okay, see you then." He texts back.
Your heart starts pounding, you're gonna see Tae again but after what he did to you... You don't know what will happen.
You walk out of your apartment and into your car and drive to the park he said to go to. "I hope he's here to apologize.." You say to yourself and see him sitting on a bench. Walking over you look up and see him quite sad and guilty, I would be too if I did that to him.  "Hey y/n. Sit down I wanted to say that..

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