The Warning

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Edited chapter by llamawhowrites. Thank you. 


"Professor Shen? Are you alright?" Zhao asked with worry when he saw him suddenly fall over his desk. However, Shen Wei didn't respond to his call.

"Oh no... No, no, no... Shen Wei!!!" Zhao yelled, hurriedly moving closer to the Professor and pulled him up onto his chair. With trembling fingers, he checked his neck for a pulse, and to his horror, the man who had sparked such determination and desire in him despite knowing him for less than twenty four hours, had none. Panic ran over him and adrenaline flooded into his system, making his body act on instinct. Yunlan gently layed Wei's insert body on the floor and performed CPR on him. He kept it up for a while, but there was no response from Shen, no matter how much he try it and soon enough Zhao's heart started racing from deep fear.

"Damn it, Shen Wei! You can't do this to me now! Come back, I will not let you die on me like this!!" He quickly reached for his phone to call for an ambulance, but as soon as his hand touched the phone, it burst into white flames, and reflexively Zhao threw it into a corner, completely stunned to find out in such a dramatic way, that there was a greater power at work probably from the moment the professor touched his phone, keeping Shen in that dead state as a result.

Obviously, no phone of any kind burst into white flames, just by touching it and no human suddenly pass out because of the same reason, so as he try to calm down a bit, he looked around more carefully and all of a sudden, Zhao began to see things go out of focus and distorted in some parts, tinted with colors he knew were not there a second ago. The whole room seemed to be covered with a faint golden glow, quite similar to that of a barrier.

Looking down at Wei, he was surprise to see him covered with some kind of thick black and golden mist, and there seemed to be some kind of small flame shining from inside his clothes, over the base of his neck. It was then that Zhao realized that he had involve the professor into something bigger than he initially thought, by showing him that page and cursed. He should had known in the very moment the drop of ink fill the entire page with an ancient language that something powerful was behind it.

The room itself seemed to have been sealed by an unknown force, from which he could not take his Professor out of, as he even tried it, but failed. Beyond this, he was still worry on the fact that Shen's heart had stopped beating a minutes ago, and his body was also clearly being sealed away from his reach.

Nevertheless, his instincts were screaming at him, ordering him to keep on trying to save his beloved, but deep down Yunlan knew that Wei was going to wake up soon, and that he was going to come back from whatever place his essence has been teleported to. So in the end, Zhao took Shen's cold body in his arms, softly kissing the crown of his head and waited for him to come back to the world of the living.

"Xiao Wei... Xiao Wei... Wake up... " A voice he had missed for so long was softly calling for him in the distance, as if it were being carried away by the winds. Shen opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by darkness, with not a single trace of light anywhere. However, having being born from the darkness, it was nothing new for him, but the contrary he was used to it. The last thing he remembers was being with Zhao Yunlan in his office looking at a picture in Zhao's mobile... something about Kunlun's writing... Wait- Kunlun? Zhao!!

"Yunlan!" Wei yelled with a hint of fear as he realized that the man was not with him, nor was he in the human realm any longer. Was he in the underworld? No, the feeling was familiar, yet somehow different. Then where was he? And what about Yunlan? Why wasn't the Chief Guardian with him?

"Xiao Wei... come..." The voice once again called out to him and he unconsciously followed it, walking for what seemed like hours in the dark void. There seemed to be some kind of distortion all around him, like two different things were merging into each other. Wei looked at himself and noticed that he looked like how he used to, thousands of years ago; enrobed in layered long black robes with his black hair almost reaching his waist.

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