The Trip To River Village

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The day of the trip, as Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan were still sleeping holding each other, Chu Shuzhi had gone to Guo's room very early in the morning and pretty much drag him out of it. You see, he had a mission that needed to be accomplish before delivering him to the Guardians. So, as Guo more or less complained from been too early, he go down to the temple and after finding what he was looking for, he had guided the easily scared young man to the training ground.

"Hum, Old Chu? What are we doing here?" Guo asked a bit confused. Everyone living the temple knew that he didn't have much talent as a monk, none in martial arts and even less in sword fighting, so for Chu to actually took him to the training ground was kind of... scary, especially when it was still a bit dark outside.

"Isn't it obvious? What else can someone do in a training ground?" He asked, without looking at him.

"Well yes, but why did you bring me here?" Guo asked while rubbing both his arm, hoping to warm his cold body.

"Do you truly believe that I was going to send you to a potential dangerous place without the means to defend yourself?" Chu said, staring at him, making Guo flush under his deep gaze.

"What do you mean? I have some talismans for protection and some others for attack, in case of an emergency." He protested.

"Oh, right, talismans... then can you fully use them when in need or you will be so scare, that either forget you have them with you or let them fall from your hands, as they hold his Honor strong energy he specially made for you?"

"Well... I..." He try to say.

"Don't well me... this is something you can't avoid, so pay attention." Chu said when holding some kind of long stick, similar to those policeman's used.

"You know I'm not good at fighting..." He was getting anxious with a bad feeling.

"Yes and that's precisely why someone else had to do it for you with your own strength." He finish, but Guo only tilt his head at one side and looked even more confused.

"My own strength?" He just had no idea of what Chu meant.

"Yes. Come here." And so Guo obeyed without hesitation, standing in front of the older man a bit nervously.

"This is a very powerful weapon, with the right amount of fuel. Just hold it for a few seconds and we will see if you can actually use it." Chu said, passing the metal baton to Guo and getting behind him. Not really getting what Old Chu was trying to prove, Guo held the strange thing in his small hands, but nothing seem to happen.

"Hum, Old Chu, are you sure this is a weapon? What kind of fuel it needs?" He asked, turning his head to have a look at him, but at that instant, Chu shouted 'hey, a demon in front of you' and as Guo's fear escalated for the sudden revelation, a big fire ball seems to come out of the baton, fully illuminating the training ground, but before it could cause damage, Chu open a portal to engulf the considerably big flame, while smiling proudly.

"That was even better than expected. It seems you do have some talent after all..." Chu said to the still shocked monk, whose hand begin to trembled at the sudden scare and fire.

"What... what was that?" He asked, letting go of the enchanted metal baton.

"It was fear, your fear to be more exact. The baton you have in your hands until a second ago, had the ability to transform fear in elements such as fire or lighting. The more scare you are of something, the more power it will generate." He explained, taking the baton from where Guo had release it.

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