Old Bonds, New Flames

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If you missed the previous chapter The Valley of Tribulations, then this one may not make sense. The notifications for the new update wasn't sent by the system, please go back a chapter before reading this one. Thanks.

-Shen Wei-

"Shen Wei... Shen Wei... wake up... Shen Wei..." The voice that keep insisting for him to wake up was a familiar one, he kind of miss it.

"Ye Zun?" He asked, still with his eyes closed, unable to move from where he was resting. He felt too tired to even do that much. He could only mentally connected with his other half trough the seal of hell.

"It's the curse... but don't worry, it will be removed soon."

"Ye Zun, are you alright? What's happening in hell?"

"A lot of things you should be aware of them. I'm no longer in the palace, so if you come here, don't look for me there."

"Why did you left? Did something happen to you?"

"Not really, I just make mad a nasty crow that want to use us to revive our father..."

"What do you mean?"

"So, he didn't told you?"

"Who? Yunlan?"

"Yes, that damn bastard you call boyfriend."

"He is not a bastard."

"Yes he is. It was because of him that we end up separated."

"I left your side not because of Kunlun, but because I didn't want a war."

"Yet, you still fight in it and by his side, instead of mine."

"I told you to stop many times. Taking the world of the humans wasn't right."

"Then us, living in darkness was it?"

"Our father create us in darkness, it's not the human's fault, nor the gods."

"Yeah, yeah, you are always so stubborn."

"Me alone? I think we both share that trait. Tell me, what did Yunlan hide from me?"

"Oh, so you won't argue with me for accusing him of keeping things from you?"

"No. I know when he is hiding things from me. He was elusive when explaining the tribes of what happen in the realm of the gods."

"So he went there? As a human?" Zun laughed. "I guess he had a death wish..."

"He was taken there." Shen internally sighed.

"By who? Seriously, are the gods too bored these days?"

"It was Lord Rong, the fire god and I brought him back soon after he was taken."

"Sure you did, you have always follow him not matter the danger or the place. Lucky bastard..."

"Ye Zun, please tell me... I must be inside the seal now."

"Yes, you are part of it. Each time you go to deep sleep, your dark energy become part of the seal, which is a good thing for me right now. Shen Wei, the sundial is no longer in the human realm, it's here. The damn crow have it for a bit."


"Shen Wei? Are you still there?"

"Yes... are you safe?"

"Please, as if a half crow half god can do anything to me. I'm a King, you know?"

"Then why you left?"

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