Seducing The Dragon

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A warning for intimacy, nothing too explicit, because this is not a mature work. Wei and Zhao will both be top and bottom, to make it fair for all fans.

-Shen Wei-

A few hours after Yunlan had fall asleep, Shen Wei was deeply concentrate in stabilizing Zhao's inner energy. His Guardian had lived missing the true fire of his left shoulder for such a long period of time, that the restoration and newly gained energy was causing Zhao a fever. It wasn't too high, as he had keep it down for a while, but he didn't like for Zhao to be sick.

His Chief Guardian had been mumbling things while he try working on his chi points over his chest and for the little he could understand, it was obvious, his beloved was worry about something. He had no idea of what the fire god told Yunlan, but he guessed it wasn't anything good. Sometimes he whisper his name, sometimes he mention a dark god and something that sparkle his interest was the mention of Ye Zun and the sundial. He was planning on asking Zhao in the morning, because as for the rest of the night, he was set in helping his lover to have a peaceful rest. And he guessed his effort was paying off, as Yunlan stop mumbling at certain point and got more relaxed.

"You will feel better in the morning, I promise..." Shen whisper to Zhao and very softly kiss him on the lips, but to his surprise, Zhao open his eyes when he was about to pull off.

"Xiao Wei, remember that you make the move first..." Zhao murmur, putting both his arms around Shen's neck, to make him come close again, as he was already half bended over him.

"Sorry, did I wake you? You have a bit of a fever, but..." Zhao stop his explanation with a full kiss on the mouth, that melted Shen in the spot within seconds, as his kiss was demanding and charged with intense desire it was hard to resist.

"Yunlan..." Shen Wei murmur over his lips.

"Don't stop me..."

"You are sick..."

"I'm fine..."

"Don't lie to me, I had been trying to low your fever for a few hours..."

"I'm feverish for other reasons..."

"You pervert..." Zhao smiled.

"I love you, is it wrong to desire my man?"

"No, the gods know I desire you more and more each day."

"Then? Why not give in?"

"I think you are delirious..." Zhao smiled again.

"Not delirious, but horny..."

"You were horny before falling asleep."

"Ah, yeah and now you have me all aroused..."

"Me? I only touched your lips, you however, wanted to devour me..."

"Can I?" Shen smiled.

"You truly are a pervert..."

"But you do love me like that right?"


"Then make me yours..." Shen Wei went deeply red instantly, which pleased Zhao even more. He loved a blushing Wei the most.

"Yunlan, stop teasing me..."

"Who's teasing you? I'm totally serious babe..."

"What about the wolf being unable to do anything..."

"I still got my lovely dragon, who is a healthy beauty that I wish to see in full glory..."

"Which will not take advantage of a sick poor wolf that have all his inner energy messed up..."

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