Restoring The Barrier

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-Shen Wei-

"Nnnnnoooooo! Yunlaann!" He screamed as he watched the fake Yunlan been stabbed in front of him. He knew that Yunlan was a copy created by Zillah, because the real one was waiting for him to make those two reveal Ye Zun's to him, so they could take him away, retrieve the stolen sundial and restore the barrier, yet he couldn't help himself but to suffer watching his deepest fear becoming true in an alternative reality.

His anger raised tenfold and he instinctively tried to break free from his bonding, but he was securely tied with black magic. Then, the half god, laughed so cruelly, that it remained him of GongGong. His every fiber felt, like when he was under his creator care, when younger.

"Oh... I guess he really was Zhao Yunlan. My bad, Ghost Slayer, but you know what? It's not like he cannot be revived..." The purple haired said as he came closer to him. Shen Wei then, was almost sure that the one speaking to him was none other than the former god, although he had no idea of how could that be. He looked past him to the cocoon in were Zhao's fake body rested bathed in his own blood. He could distinguish a dormant figure inside, so he guessed that GongGong was still there, then how? Was GongGong spirit possessing that body? It was supposed to be impossible, yet...

"Who are you?" Wei finally asked curiously and the half god with crow wings came even closer and raised his head with one cold finger under his chin. His fake smile was damn right evil, as he force him to fully look into his lifeless eyes. He was a ghost without soul, so he understood a ghost nature better than anything else and what he was been forced to look at was nothing less than a puppet. He found himself hating the sight and more than glad to have chosen to follow Kunlun instead of him, as Ye Zun did.

"I know it had been centuries since you last see me, my son... but even so, you should recognize me." The man said with a rasped voice. "And you have been such a naughty boy, falling for a god I wanted to destroy and leaving my side when I was the one who create you in the first place..." He coldly said.

"You may have put together the elements to give me life, but the one I was fated to follow was the one whom you stole his fire, Kunlun." Suddenly the goddess moved, slapping Shen Wei quite hard, making his still long hair from his previous uncontrolled fury, hide his face.

In that second in which his head was facing his right side by the slap, he manage to see Zillah move closer to him, even if his image was nothing more than a trick on the eye that only the ones Zillah chose could notice, because his power over time and space was absolute and not even GongGong in his prime, could break nor defy it and right at that moment, that same power was hidding them all in four different points in a dimension connected to this one, yet unreachable to those who wanted to destroy their current world.

He knew the time god was ready to intervene, so before he looked back at the ones imprisoning him, he slightly moved his head in negative, so he would not come to his aid, otherwise it will put their plan in jeopardy and Yunlan, as well as the rest of the team at risk.

"Don't you dare to speak to him like that, you insignificant ghost! Now your place!" The goddess shouted in anger. Still, Shen Wei looked at her with defiance.

"Even as insignificant as you called me, I don't fear you nor bow down to none of you." Shen Wei said and a blast of energy stroke him, making him cough up a bit of blood.

"Shen Wei... don't provoke them like that. Your Guardian will not be pleased and who knows what he will do when he see you all bloody." He heard Zillah voice said inside his head.

However, for them to believe it was all real, it was necessary to taste a bit of pain. He ignored Zillah's warning and keep up provoking them. Eventually they will reveal both, the sundial so he could be tempted to use it on Yunlan's fake body and Ye Zun, which were his two goals. Once he have the sundial in his hands, he will join the real Yunlan to complete his task, while Zillah and Rong take care of both the troublemakers.

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