Nuwa's Judment

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-Shen Wei-

The next morning Shen Wei was pleased to find his lover still by his side. He looked so calm and peaceful that he didn't wanted to wake him up, but pressing matters were at hands, as they still have to retrieve the remaining artifacts and find the lost one.

"Yunlan... wake up. We have a hard day ahead of us." Shen said by his side, but Zhao only pull him closer, resting his head over Shen's bare shoulder. The pendant on his neck shining brightly just inches from his handsome face, as it did during the night before, keeping Shen free of the pain caused by his curse. Precisely because the golden light emitted from the pendant should have been enough to wake him up, Shen panic for a second, thinking that perhaps something had gone wrong.

"Yunlan, are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right?" Shen asked, touching his forehead to see if he still had that fever.

"I said it before, nothing coming from you will ever hurt me. Is morning already? Ah, I wanted to be like this for a while..." Zhao said opening his eyes to look at his beloved, whose face was brightened by the fire inside his pendant. Shen Wei, however looked at Zhao a bit worry.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhao asked curiously.

"Your eyes are golden again. Just how much of your former self did Rong and Kunlun wake up? You are more than a human now..." Shen whisper.

"To face these trouble times, I need to be more than a human, don't worry, babe. I'm still myself, just a bit upgraded." Shen smiled.

"It's more than a bit. I worry that too much power will end up causing your human body to weaken in no time." Shen said.

"It will not fail me when I needed it the most, I assure you that. If my body had been the same as a week ago, then I wouldn't be talking to you so easily after a night of passion with a very powerful ghost." Shen looked away.

"So you know..."

"Ah, yes. Ghosts of all kind feed on people's life energy, that's how they can become stronger and sometimes became demons. You were born strong, so you have no need to feed on humans, but as it is in your very essence, after losing yourself to your own desires, you would have unconsciously suck my energy away, leaving me in a poor shape. Luckily for us, that's not our case now, as the little divinity Kunlun grant me is more than enough to be fully yours with no worries." Shen blushed.

"That's good... let's go out now. We still need to go to Nuwa's temple and the Rainbow Mountains, to retrieve the others artifacts. Nuwa's judgment should not be an easy one, so the sooner we go there the better." Shen said, going out of their bed.

"But with such a magnificent view in front of me, how can I concentrate in anything else?" Zhao said pervertedly, while looking at Shen's naked body, which make Shen Wei blush even more. However, a dark cloud cover his entire body, then it was replaced with his less formal clothes. Then, Shen simply took a pillow and throw it to Zhao.

"Get out now, you shameless pervert..." Shen said with humor and Zhao laughed.

"That's no fair... I can't dress like that. By the way, did I told you that you looked hotter when on the fire god's temple? I love seen you with long hair..."

"Yunlan..." He laughed again.

"Yeah, yeah... how come you can still be shy after last night? I had seen and taste it all."

"Zhao Yunlan, you really are something else. Get out or I won't give you a morning kiss."

"Alright, let's go save the world." Zhao said getting out to collect his kiss and after he dressed, they joined the rest of the team and the guest.

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