I'm Sorry, Shen Wei...

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As Shen Wei insisted, they go out of the room to walk toward the main temple holding the flame of the gods. It was still a bit dark and quite cold, but they did the gods the honors to be there when they arrived. The first one going out of the flame was Rong and soon after, Zillah came. Shen Wei bowed first and elbow Zhao to follow his example, which he reluctantly did, for Shen's sake.

"You haven't change that much Kunlun..." Rong said.

"I was a god myself... bowing is not really my thing." Zhao said back in defiance.

"Yunlan, please... they are here to help us." Shen pleaded and Zhao relaxed.

"Wake up the others, it's time to go. The sooner we deal with this, the better. Hell is not an easy place, even for us." Zillah added.

"There is no need, they are already awake." Lady Yue said, coming in and just like Zhao, slightly bowing to the gods.

"Lady Yue, it had been such a long time, since I last saw your beauty." Rong said, coming closer to kiss her hand.

"Don't waste your time with me little fire, it was because of your endless chase of women that the sundial of reincarnation was stolen." She said, making Zhao laugh and Shen sigh.

"Lady Yue, that was a bit rude..."

"My little ghost, rude, maybe, but no less truthful." She added.

"It's okay, Shen Wei, that's indeed right, my most sincere apologies, my Lady." Rong said.

"I hope you make it up for your mistakes. If my little ghost gets hurt in hell, I will hunt you down, remember that." Both Zhao and Rong shudder at her words, as her rage was hard to subside.

"Don't worry, Lady Yue, I will make sure the Ghost Slayer will not get hurt by any demon." Zillah intervened.

"Ah, little golden one, please make sure of that." She said.

"Of course, special one." Zillah reply, bowing to her. Seen that, Zhao came closer to his beloved ghost.

"Special one? Why is Zillah bowing?" Zhao whisper to Shen ear.

"She was one of the first to learn how to cultivate both mind and body, to achieve a higher plane and change form. She helped a few potential to be gods, to become what they are now, so the Jade Emperor is quite found of her. He see her as a daughter. No god will dare to openly disrespect her, because they all know, no one survives the Jade Emperor's rage." Zhao swallowed hard, thinking in how lucky he was, staying out of the radar of the supreme ruler of the gods.

"Shen Wei, maybe you should cut my hair now, before she can be tempted to do it again... I rather let you do it, instead of letting her use her sharp claws." Zhao whisper to Shen again, making him smile.

"That's not necessary, she knows now that I'm fully yours. She will not do it again, just behave a little bit and she will approve of you soon enough."

"Do I really need her approval, even in our current stage? You know, we already had cross the red line a few times." Zhao said, making Shen blush.

"Yes, even so... she is also special to me." Shen reply, trying to empty his mind from last night red line crossing.

"Ah, then I'll do my best to behave, you have my word." Zhao added.

"You better keep that promise you idiot, you have no idea how scary she can get..." Da Qing suddenly said from behind him, making Zhao jump in surprise.

"You damn cat, don't scare me like that!" Zhao protested, as the human shaped cat, laughed.

"Serves you right, huh, Shen Wei?" Da Qing asked.

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