The Gathering Of The Tribes

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As the bell announcing the tribes keep ringing, the monks of the temple went into panic. No one knew that they would be hosting such an important event and the gathering of the tribes took them all by surprise. Of course, none of them blamed their Ghost Slayer, because he as well had been taken unprepared.

Zhao was silently watching as Shen Wei greeted the many leaders, discretely distracting those who would start to bicker about old times and kindly guiding them around the temple. He was very proud of his Ghost Slayer, as everyone followed him like lost puppies and showing him their deepest respect. For once, he wished to regain the memories of when he was a god, all those leaders also came to give him their respect and even bowed to him, when he was nothing more than a human.

Lady Yue had explain to him that long ago, the fairies were used to be among gods, become back then, most of them walked the earth as they pleased. It was after the creation of the humans that the gods concentrate in the celestial matters, most likely because the Jade Emperor, supreme ruler of the heavens, wanted for the humans to live freely, without the influence of the gods to do as they wished.

Right now, he was trying to get all the guest right. The dragons, were two, a male and a female. Their names were Renshu for the man and Meizhen for the woman. Surprisingly enough, both of them were exceptionally good looking. Lin had been staring at Meizhen since her arrival. He was a sucker for pretty faces, but for him, none of them were more of a beauty than his Professor.

After the dragons came the lions, also two of them, but both males. They were average looking, but even in their human forms, you could feel their strength. Those were imperial guardians, so it wasn’t exactly too surprising of their strong auras. Their names, Tao and Tengfei. Apparently, the lions and the dragons were not the best friends, for which Shen introduced the dragons to Ming Yue, while he keep the lions busy. He was such smart man, he only wished he could openly kiss him.

Then, there was floras, two beautiful women, as delicate and fragrant as flowers. Lin was currently taking care of them. Her names were Lanfen and Ju. After their arrival he notice Shen Wei keep himself always close to him. Da Qing said it was because the floras were full of pheromones. They enchanted men with their perfume and it was said that their tribe have many offspring of the later gods. This make Zhao smile, because it was obvious that Shen Wei was making sure the women did not affect his senses. The last thing he wanted was for a pair of unknown women to charm his beloved when he had waited for him for centuries.

At some point, when he was close enough, he whisper to his Xiao Wei, ‘don’t worry, no pheromone will enchant me more than you did with a simple smile babe’ and although his Shen Wei looked pleased with that statement, he couldn’t help himself but blush and of course, he enjoyed watching him go with a deep red face.

The Nuwa tribe came represented with the expected Uncle Four, for which they all were glad to see him again and Zhu Hong was beyond happy to finally have a talk with her uncle. His companion was another Uncle called Deming and he was as welcome as his brother.

The next one to arrive were the cat fairies. Da Qing had been nervous all morning waiting for his tribe. He was fearing none of them would remember him, after so many centuries of absence, so when the bell sounded, he had follow Shen Wei to greet them, although he had stayed at the entrance.

“Look, two as well. Do you recognize them?” Zhao asked the cat, who was nostalgically looking down.

“Just one, the female dark gray one. Her name is Da Chun and she is my little sister.” The cat said, managing to surprise Zhao.

“You have a sister? Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Zhao asked.

“It was not like I could go and visit her. She lives too far away from Dragon City. They only manage to come because of the teleportation magic the foxed used to bring them all here in time.”

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