Blind Chief, Missed Professor

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-Shen Wei-

Giving the circumstances of the night before, Shen Wei wake up early in the morning, before Yunlan. As he didn’t know whatever he would be able to see or not, he carefully untangle himself from Zhao’s hold and make sure that there was nothing in the tent floor that could make him fall.

Then he went out and check that the others were still fast asleep and took the liberty to busy himself with preparing some breakfast for everyone, as a sign of appreciation for accepting Guo and him so easily into their group. As he finish with the eggs, bacon and fresh bread, that he brought from his own fridge via portal, he make sure to completely extinguish Zhao’s rainbow fire, that will attract the attention of his team. Right after, he went back to the tent and gently shake Zhao for him to awake, but only receiving Zhao’s moaning protest, still half asleep, ignoring his shaking.

“Yunlan, wake up, its morning and we need to be on our way soon.” Shen try it, but the lazy Chief only whisper some ‘five more minutes, babe’, while trying to get a hold of his empty space. The fact that Zhao was already used to look for him in his bed, make him smile. He honestly never thought that the time will come when he would be able to share his life with him, after so much yearning, but nothing tangible. So even if he try to resist temptation because of the pain, deep inside he welcome it.

“Seriously… Zhao, breakfast is ready, you will miss it if you don’t get out now and then it will be your loss…” Shen Wei whisper close to his ear and working just like a charm, Zhao pretty much jumped from the sleeping bag in a hurry, crushing against Shen’s chest, who held him in place.

“Breakfast? But it’s still dark… Oh, it already happen…” Zhao whisper, as he remember what Kunlun had told him about losing his sight before morning came.

“So… you can’t see anything? Isn’t this too soon?” Shen asked worriedly.

“Not really, he warn me I may lose my sight during the night. That’s why I insisted on camping, so I will have a chance to see my team and your beloved handsome face before darkness took me in.” He heard Shen sigh, finally understanding why Zhao had insisted on the kissing.

“You could have told me, instead of asking me to seduce you…” Shen said, moving away to get Zhao new clothes, while ignoring his laugh.

“Ah, but Xiao Wei, I was truly asking for a heated kiss only, but you went even hotter than expected… a shame that the pain got in the way.” Zhao said, imagining Wei going hot red, but only hear him moving around, probably looking for something, as one of their bags was being open and then close.

“So even blind, you are still the same pervert. Here, I prepare a change of clothes for you. Put them on and go out. I will wake up Guo and the rest of your team.” He said, gently putting the clothes on his lap. He was about to rise when Zhao held his hand.

“But Wei, can’t you help me? I can’t see, you know?” Zhao try his luck, but knew he failed when Shen simply put a finger on his forehead and softly tap it.

“You truly love teasing me, so I guess I should give up on trying to stop it… but honestly, I will not fall for that obvious one. Use your third eye, I know you will see enough to put them on your own.” Zhao laughed with good humor.

“You are too shy, Xiao Wei… but still, I wouldn’t change it for anything in this world.” Zhao was going to close his eyes to concentrate in using his other sight, but a blurrier version of his normal vision came back as soon as he thought of using it.

Everything around him seems differently from what he was used to, some things looked shadowed, while others just blurred. He then look at Shen and saw him a bit more clearly than the rest, still surrounded by that gold and black mist that usually cling to him like a second skin. Then he looked to his pendant, who was still shining but with less intensity than last night. He guessed that Shen Wei was trying to figure out whatever or not he could truly use his other sight, because he stopped in front of him and stared at him with a frown.

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