A Chief's Manipulative Nature

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"There had been an increase in the numbers of attacks related to the underworld. Just recently, this University was the victim of such an occurrence, which is where we met the Professor. During our investigation that night, we realize the Professor expertise in the underworld lure. He had eagerly investigate the many kind of ghost and demons that have manage to cross the border to our world." Zhao begin explaining to the Dean.

"Ah, yes. Professor Shen is quite good doing research. He had taken on many projects for the University earning the respect of his colleges. His knowledge about ancient history is in fact priceless for us scholars. We were quite lucky he choose to teach in our University. His class attendance is the highest in the whole campus." The Dean praised, making Shen Wei a bit embarrassed.

"I bet it is, which such an outstanding Professor, not to mention kind and caring," and damn handsome, he inwardly added. "You can't expect less, which is the reason our Order is also interested in have Professor Shen collaboration in this time of crisis. I know the Professor was quite sick a few days ago, I myself was the one who report of his sudden health problem to another Professor and he gave me quite the scare back then, but he is doing fine now. As we had a mayor incident in a rural village, we are eagerly looking for the Professor expertise, because we have reasons to believe, the same incident may happen in the coming week at another place. This..." Zhao gave the Dean the official latter made by Zhu with the seal of the Order.

"This is an official request for the Professor assistance, during the next week. We hope to resolve the crisis in the coming days. A new kind of demons is escaping our detection and the Professor research in our private library will gave us the needed insight to fight this new kind of threat. I hope you understand our position as Guardians of the human realm and the Professor absence from his duty to this University is not going to be for a long period, and the Order will be responsible for his safety during that time." The Dean was in an utterly shock.

"But he is only a Professor..." The Dean protested.

"Ah, yes and a very good researcher. You see, not just anyone can have access to our library who even have a special seal, so it will be quite an honor for the Professor to have a look at hour extensive information about the underworld, including of course, information about the Ghost Slayer himself." The Dean widen his eyes in surprise, while Shen Wei slightly hit Zhao in the middle of his leg, making Zhao muffle a yelp, while smiling calmly to the Dean.

"Is it true? Will Professor Shen be able to do research on the Ghost Slayer?" The Dean asked with enthusiasm and Zhao swallow, knowing he will be in trouble later, but if the Dean agree to let go of him for a week or two, it will be worthy.

"Oh but of course. I assure you, he will know more about the Ghost Slayer than anyone else in centuries. However, he won't be able to publish anything related to the underworld hero, for security matters, but answering a few personal questions to fellow colleges is not forbidden." Zhao finish, knowing he had succeeded, as the Dean's eyes shinned like stars.

"That will be such a great opportunity to us scholars... The Ghost Slayer is such a legend, yet no one knows just how much of what is told about him is actually true. Professor Shen, I hope to have a good conversation with you once you come back. I will approve of your absence as a research leave." The Dean said with enthusiasm.

"Thank you. I will resume my duties as soon as possible. I hope not to cause too much inconvenience." Shen Wei said, as he stood, with Zhao following his example.

"Don't worry about that, your students are quite understanding, and being for the sake of humanity, then they will understand even more. Go ahead and do us a good job." The Dean said, slightly tapping Shen's back in affection.

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