The Meaning Of The Gold Page

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-Shen Wei-

In the moment the professor closed the door of Zhao's room behind him, he leaned his back on it, with his heart pounding out of control and a heavier breathing. Certainly, Yunlan was one of the kind by all means. To even dare to try kiss him while he sleep when he barely knew him would be outrageous in the eyes of outsiders, but in his case it was nothing more than dangerous.

Since he had loved the man for centuries and it was probably the same for Zhao, even if he could not understand his yearning in full, his approaches were not exactly unwelcome. However, putting aside the pain of simply being near him, Shen Wei had another fear, when being close to him. He had repressed his feelings in order to keep up living, always watching from a safe distance, never daring to involve himself in his life, but now that he had been force to do so, his worst nightmare wasn't exactly that Zhao could find out about his curse or not even about his past life.

It was his own feelings going out of control when being teased so openly. True, Zhao Yunlan was the one he had waited for so long, because Zhao was free to love whoever he wanted and do whatever he pleased without remorse, for which Shen love him even more. But just now, for a second, he had almost let himself become like Yunlan, free and unconcerned, willing to let all his repressed feelings out. Zhao liked to tease, he was probably just going to give him a slight kiss, just a taste, but his proximity, his body warmth, make him unconsciously aware of his presence, thus triggering the pain once more.

However, the pain was not his biggest concern, it was what Zhao almost awoke inside of him. Shen Wei desired the man, he had done so for thousands of years, so he feared that if he was too temped, he will lose control of himself completely, probably hurting Zhao in the process and that would be unforgivable.

The moment he saw Zhao face getting closer, he acted on instinct, thus, turning the tide to his favor. Looking at him for a second while over him, with only a tiny fraction of his true desire unmasked, had make Zhao swallow, provably in surprise. If he had not seen his hesitation in that tiny fraction of a second, he would had end up passionately kissing Zhao right there without any kind of restrains.

"Come on Shen Wei... get a hold of yourself..." He told himself, getting away for that door. "You certainly have bigger problems right now." He remained himself. Then to be distracted, he gave Zhao's place a better look. It was bigger than he imagine and a bit cleaner than he thought, although Zhao had provably make an effort at the last minute while he slept. He could still see some unclean dishes in the sink that Zhao probably forgot were there or didn't have time to clean that far.

Out of impulse, he moved toward the kitchen, but stopped when he hear the door open. He looked back, to see Zhao staring at him. His eyeglasses were in one of his hands, while his tie on the other. Honestly, he had fail to notice both things missing from his attire. Zhao moved the tie in his hand from side to side while looking at him seriously.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked him, coming closer. Shen thought for a second that Zhao was going to try kiss him again, for which he unconsciously move one step back. This make Zhao sigh, yet didn't stop him from keep approaching his target.

"Shen Wei... just this once, let me tell you something you may not believe. I'm not playing with you, nor do I plan to do so in a future. I may have been called a pervert many times in the past, but never a playboy. I may tease you, yes, but never against your will, nor with the intention of harm you in any way..." He said, gently putting Shen's eyeglasses where they belonged. "So please, don't be scare of me. I will behave now, I promise..." Shen thought it was ironical that Zhao thought he was scare of his sudden approaches, when in reality he was scared of letting lose the dormant beast inside of him.

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