Finding The Wick

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After a few long heated kisses, Zhao finally let go of Shen Wei to look at him. Maybe it was because the curse wasn't there anymore, but Wei's energy looked and felt different. Before, when he used his third eye to see him, he was surrounded by a black and gold mist, with the dark particles overwhelming the gold ones. Now, as he stared at Shen using his third eye, he was glad to see the golden particles were equally surrounding him at the same time his aura became stronger.

"What? Do I look different to you?" Shen asked.

"At the matter of fact, yes. Your two natures are more balanced now. How do you feel without the curse? You are not going to get sick, right?" Shen smiled.

"No, I'm a bit tired, but otherwise, I feel better than never before. What about you, Yunlan? The last time I saw you, only your eyes looked different. Now the color of your eyes had gone back to normal, but your hair had grown so long..." Shen whisper, passing one of his hands between the long silky treads of his hair. It felt good to Zhao, as Shen Wei keep combing his hair with such delicacy as if bewitched  by it.  Zhao couldn't help but smile.

"You love it right?" Shen looked up, as Zhao was still half covering him.

"It brings old memories... you have it this long, when your name was Kunlun..." Shen said a bit nostalgic.

"Ah, yes... so did you..." Zhao's gaze over Shen was penetrating.

"You remember?" Shen asked surprised and stop playing with his lover hair.

"A few things, yes..."

"Just what happen Yunlan? What reckless thing you did this time? How did you get to the center?" Shen asked curiously.

"Long story short, I became even more awesome and defeat hundreds of beast on my own, thanks to a certain ghost that insisted in being left behind. By the way, never ask me that again, you know I will never leave you. I love you way too much for that..." He kissed him.

"Hum... so... you awaked more... powers?" Shen asked between kisses.

"Yes. Now I can create barriers, summon water and ice... and use portals... too." Zhao whisper against his lips. "I wish you could had seen me... the rest of the group were all shocked. The tribes called me Kunlun and the old man even said that my rage was legendary..."

"Indeed... last time you were enraged was..." Shen stopped as he realize he was going to touch a delicate nerve in Zhao, recalling the time when he was stabbed and Kunlun almost killed his brother.

"About Ye Zun... Shen Wei, I was going to tell you about him going missing in hell..."

"It's okay. Many things happen in such a short amount of time and I will get my brother out..." Zhao interrupt him with another heated kiss.

"We, Shen Wei... we will find him together and restore the seal." Shen smiled.

"So... you don't hate him anymore?"

"I do resent him for hurting you, but I'm aware he wasn't expecting you to interfere. To be honest I can't blame him for hating me. If you were to follow the fire god, for example, I will definitely want to hurt him in a very painful way."

"Then, if he goes out after everything is over..."

"As long as he don't try to kill me again, I will behave... His my brother in law, after all..."

"Well, as long as you don't call me wife in front of him, I guess he can behave as well."

"Ahhh, but you are my wife... my very lovely wife." Zhao kissed his neck.

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