The Human And The God

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When Zhao Yunlan regained consciousness, he realize he was laying on a hard ground made of black marble and an exquisite ceiling cover with colorful vivid paintings that seems to tell an ancient story. As he sat, he could se he was inside of what could be called an impressive temple, illuminated by dozens of torches. Zhao moaned as a sudden headache assaulted him, but as he looked around to try to find some clues about where he had end up to, he came to see an unconscious figure close to him.

“Zhu Hong!” Zhao yelled, forgetting the pain instantly and immediately moving to her side. She looked fine, there was no traces of blood and more importantly, she was breathing just fine.

“Oh, thank gods…” He whisper in relief, knowing that Zhu, while unconscious was very much alive. He had been too retackles and if something bad have happen to the girl in his arms, he would never be able to forgive himself.

“Zhu Hong… Zhu Hong, wake up! Zhu Hong!” He called her while shaking her body, but the woman didn’t respond, or even flinch at his yelling or shaking. “Damn it, just what the hell happen?” Zhao asked himself.

“You were reckless indeed. Haven’t Shen Wei warn you not to be like that, because he worries too much about you end up killing yourself?” A deep voice said and Zhao turner to look at a young guy, sitting in one of the marble steps that leads to some kind of altar. His hair was long, he was wearing a dark red and black robes and his eyes were emerald green, with a hint of playfulness. Although he didn’t recognize the youngster who was probably in his late teens, his voice was somehow familiar to him.

“Who are you?” Zhao asked, gently putting Zhu’s unconscious body back to the cold floor. He didn’t thought the young man was there to try harm them, but just in case he never leave Zhu’s side.

“Have you forgot about me already? That’s rude Zhao Yunlan, maybe if I change you will recognize me better?” The man said, just before he changed shape, making Zhao widen his eyes in surprise.

“You have to be kidding me… Da Qing?” Zhao asked staring at the black cat with deep green eyes.

“Who else, idiot. How many cat fairies do you know?” The cat calmly ask.

“But you said you no longer have the ability to take human form. You were too old already.” The cat snorted.

“That’s my old self, I’m at my prime in here.” Yunlan looked at the cat with confusion.

“What do you mean?” Zhao asked.

“Let me explain it to you then, Zhao Yunlan…” Out of nowhere another man approached the cat and took it into his arms, gently stoking his fur. Previously he have been quite surprise to see the human form of the fairy cat, however, looking at the new comer, he thought that he took the first price in his shock out of this world list. Right next to the younger Da Qing, who was considerably less fat, now that he notice, was another version of him, a nobler one that is, because he looked like one of those kings from historical dramas.

Although they shared the same face, the other one have no trace of mustache or a bit of a beard. His slender body was dressed with rich silk robes that extended all the way to his feet, his hair was long half tied with small tresses and his eyes, which was the only thing that was truly different, were light gold.

“Kunlun…” Zhao whisper in astonishment. There was an air of divinity surrounding the god, which in a way explained why Shen Wei always thought he was out of his reach. Heck, he was resisting the urge to kneel before him, himself, and they were basically the same person, past and present.

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