"Dont let go"

791 19 71

Beeep beeeep

Someone's alarm is going off.

Richie: who's alarm goes off at 11:00 PM.

Dustin: shut that son of a bitch off

Mike: everyone, wakeup.

Eleven: Mike its 11:00 PM

Me and richie come out of the bathroom.

Mike: you guys think you can just come to Hawkins and all we are going to do is play D&D, um no.

Will: what are we gonna do.

Mike: well anything really.

Max: we couuuuuuuuuuuld I dont know, go to the star court mall.

Will: it's closed

Eleven: we can do anything.

Dustin: how about we g-

Steve: shut the hell up, if you guys are gonna sneak off into the night I cant be awake when you do it and you should go to the movies.

Eddie: and watch??

Dustin: "The Nun"

Eddie: too scary

Max: "The Hate U Give"

Eddie: too sad

Lucas: "Venom"

Eleven: booooooring, the movie theater is doing a throwback to Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix how about that.

*no objections*

Eleven: ok "Harry Potter" it is.

We all go to the movie theater still in out PJ's.

Mike: everyone pay for their own ticket

We all go up to the counter and buy a ticket. I was last in line and right when I was about to pay richie hands me a ticket.

Richie: I already paid for you

I grab the ticket.

Eddie: you didnt have to do that.

Richie: I know, this is an apology for the whole phone call thing.           

I give him a hug as we walk into the theater. We all sit in a row.

*in this order*

Will, Mike, Eleven, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Richie, Me.

The commercials were playing.

Richie: I'm gonna go get everyone popcorn.

Dustin: get me some Mike and ikes

Richie: as long as y'all pay me back.

Eddie: I'll come with you.

Me and richie get up and walk out the theater and to the food station.
I hold richies hand. I could feel his hand shaking.

Eddie: what's wrong

Richie: what? Nothing.

Eddie: are you sure.

Richie: trust me, Im fine. May I please have 3 large buckets of popcorn with extra butter, a package of Mike and ikes, and a bowl of nachos.

Richie pays the cashier and walk back to the theater. The opening credits were on. We pass down the snacks and watch the movie.
No one really knows but I love "Harry Potter" and I'm so glad that Eleven picked it. My favorate character is Luna Lovegood. I can tell there is something wrong with Richie, he's acting weird. After the movie everyone decides to go to the arcade (in the movie theater).

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