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Richie: The void? Who the fuck are you?

Person: You met me once in Indiana, My name is Eleven.

Richie: Eleven? What? Why? Um wwwaat are you talking about? Please.

Eleven: Listen I can't explain now but I saw you, you were dying. Are you ok?

Richie: Yeah I'm fine.

Eleven: Is everyone else ok. Is anyone hurt.

Richie: Well I'm in the hospital.

Eleven: Why?

Richie: Eddie had a seizure.

Eleven: A seizure? When? How?

Richie: He was dreaming and I woke up to him having a seizure and took him to the hospital-

Eleven: That's it, that's it.

Richie: what, what's it.

I look at Eddie and he gives me a confused look. I sit up and adjust my legs to the side of the cot.

Eleven: Eddie, has he been having these dreams a lot.

Richie: Well, yeah how did you know?

Eleven: I really hate to tell you this but you and your friend might be in great danger.

I do not feel like doing this tonight. I just want to go home and sleep and maybe watch some Netflix. What? Why does this always happen to us like jeez.

Richie: What? What do you mean? What do we do?

Eleven: Listen I have to go but I will call you back as soon as I can but follow the these rules and you'll be fine until then.

She sounds like she's running around her room like she's very out of breath.

Richie: Rules?

Eleven: number 1 If Eddie starts talking in his sleep or sweating a lot while sleeping wake him up IMMEDIATELY. Number 2 if Eddie start seeing stuff that isn't there like seeing stuff that no one else can see or believes than that is a code red and you have to calm him and maybe even tie him down.


Eleven: I know that sounds extreme and dramatic but if he does get to that point before I call back that's what you have to do. Number 3 try to keep him calm and absolutely do not put him in any stressful situations or emotional ones. He might do some things that are very not like him. He might not act like himself but do not take it personally. Some tips are to get dream catchers, drink green tea before going to bed and also to learn Morse code.

Richie: Morse Code?

Eleven: Dont ask. Also do you play dungeons and dragons?

Richie: No.

Eleven: And you know don't go to google. It will give you the wrong information and you will be very worried but maybe pick up a few books you know? Gain as much knowledge as you can from that kind of stuff.

Richie: Why?

Eleven: Its very helpful. Also do not let Eddie take a bath. Especially with cold water and especially not by himself. He might act crazy. He might go ranting about life. He might scream at people or tell teachers to fuck off or hit someone for no reason.

Richie: Why? Wait why what are you talking about danger. Please explain why I have to do all of this?

Eleven: I can't, not yet. I have to go.

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