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Eddies POV

I wake up. God. School. I sit up and look around. It's still dark. It's such bullshit. School starts at 7 in the god damn morning. I throw the blankets off my body and turn on my lamp. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

I slip on a brand new sweater and a pair of jeans. I put on the only nice shoes I have and grab my stuff. *honk* That's Richie. I run outside and hop in the car. He's wearing his glasses and looks half asleep. I like that he is wearing his glasses more. I've always liked them.

Richie: Hey reddie for hell?

Eddie: Like I'll ever be.

*at school*

Richie pulls up to the building and parks in the parking lot. Oh god here we go again. I think imma cry. What are people saying. Do you think they noticed?

Richie: Hey, it's gonna be okay.

Eddie: Yeah but what if people say stuff.

Richie: Then let them. It can only hurt you if you let it.

He's right. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. We get out of the car and I see people all around going inside. I look up at the building. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I take a second to breathe.

Richie: Hey, the back entrance is closer to my first period. Do you mind me taking it?

I didn't want to walk in all alone. But I didn't want him to know that.

Eddie: Yeah sure. See you at lunch.

He walks away. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I slowly walk up to the main stairs to the door of the school. The kids around the door get really quiet and stare and me. I just look down. I open the door and walk in. On my left is the staircase to the junior floor where my locker is. I walk up the stairs and meet the top. I look in the hallway and see all of the kids. As I start to walk down the hallway. More and more people stare at me. Girls start whispering and the entire hall goes quiet. My class? Quiet? I must've been talked about an awful lot. They all just watch.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.
I see Bill and Beverly at my locker. She makes eye contact with me. Bill walks over towards me. He looks angry. But I don't think at me.

Bill: What are staring at?

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and places me at my locker. Oh god. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry. Jesus.

I cowardly hide my face in my locker while getting books out. The hallway starts making noise again but still is way quieter than normal. I hear whispers everywhere. Are they talking about me. When I pull my head out of my locker I see that half of the people that were in the hall are gone now.

Beverly: Don't worry about it. Kids will get over it within 3 hours of you being here.

Eddie: oh really. Well that's gonna be the longest 3 hours of my life.

Bill: it's school. Whatcha expect? How do you think Stan is going to feel once we get him back.

That makes me think. I haven't seen Stan in awhile. But I not think anyone really has besides bill. And I'm starting to think that we will never get Stan back.

Eddie: Right, how is that going?

Bill: What going?

Eddie: Stan?

Bill: Oh. He's working on something. With Alice and my aunt. A case. They think they have a way to get both of them out.

Eddie: That's good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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