Last Time For A While...

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December 20, 1988

Eazy's POV

We were rehearsing for the first show of our nationwide tour that was going to be next week at LA's very own Forum and I thought it was the best tribute if we rehearsed tonight where the 5 of us first rehearsed:my parents garage. I know what you're thinking, probably E what the fuck you doing, you literally own your own damn label and you wanna rehearse in ya Mama's garage she probably don't even want y'all there!

Well first of all hop off ma dukes aight and second of all this place holds a lot of value. Not only is it of course the place I grew up in, the house not the garage, it's also the place Dre spun his records for me for the first time and the place we had our first couple of rehearsals back when we were performing at these little wack ass clubs like Lonzo's shit before Skateland, before we started using Cube's living room. So we figured now that we going on tour and about to do big things why not fuck around in the place where it all began? Where we were just 5 kids with a dream.

But speaking of Cube, I'm gonna need to watch him more closely because things are getting more and more hostile between him and Jerry but mostly on Cube's side because he's always complaining day in and day out every time I see him about he ain't got a fucking contract yet. And what's pissing me off is that he knows that's Jerry's job and he be trying to complain to me when I got shit to do on my own time. Like the other day he was trying to talk to me when I was trying to take the time to go get all of my kids together and take them out. I just can't keep continuing to listen to his bullshit.

And somebody would think that's why I didn't make him Derrek's godfather but I'm not that petty. Cube already got 2 godchildren from me and he does a great job taking care of them for a nigga who ain't got no kids of his own. And I just figured each one of my brothers deserve a chance to be a godfather. From the way it's looking, seems like I'll have more than enough for them to all get a chance. Now, like y'all know, I'm preparing for the birth of my next two baby girls. How I managed to conceive them both so close together in time I wish I knew but these are the consequences that I have to deal with.

But anyway back to the only thing that seems to be going right in my life, our music. Our album has gone 2x platinum and my album has gone 1x platinum. You know what the shit mean right, we have sold 3 million records and we did it in about 3 months with little radio play except for these underground stations. And it seemed like everyone was out to break us. But we made it. I remember when we first got word that our shit went platinum and we went for a cruise down Crenshaw and I swear there were all kinds of niggas out there to support.

Crip niggas, Blood niggas, all kinds of honeys, Compton cats, Watts niggas. You name it, they all came out and showed love and it felt really good to be like a fucking superhero almost. And when Jerry told us that we would be going on tour performing in every state, places I never thought a nigga like me would ever go to, you wouldn't believe how hype we were. The only problem was that after this kickoff show, it started next month and would last until this time next year. Which is how long Janet will probably be on tour with Mike too. And it pissed me off that I wouldn't be around her for basically a year.

Not to mention shit happens and the streets talk. So I also fear that this baby mama who finna have my baby girl in April, Shawna, gonna get crazy. Joyce has made it clear that she might just want to fuck from time to time but don't want me back at all after she found out that I was still with Janet. And Cudda despite our love for each other told me she just wants me around for Lil E and Erica but that's it and that the other night was a mistake. And I respect that. But Shawna... she's different. And so is Kai, Cudda's friend.

When a bitch start fucking up and running her mouth, you fuck her friend that's my motto. But Kai is crazier than I thought, she's stated she wants to take shit further and don't give a fuck about Janet. And Shawna has been obsessed with me ever since I came along with Dre to Watts so he could visit some friend of his that was her brother. And that was back in 86 and I'm just now giving her the dick 2 years later. And somehow she and Kai linked up, probably through Cudda and now they friends and they taking about they better not run into Janet in the streets. And I know Janet's crazy and not afraid to fight if it's absolutely necessary. So I need a way to keep shit on the down low so they won't find each other.

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