after party

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( the song is taking you that's what they sing in this chapter)

the concert was fantastic, the smoke and lights, their voices, and faces. they danced around the stage and reached for the fans.

" ok guys." the song ended and Corbyn's breathless voice came through the speakers." now we have one more song for you guys and it is one of our old ones, in fact it is our very first song," his adorable laugh came through the speakers and the crowd went wild.

the lights went out and the music came one. Corbyn began to sing and the boys started to do a dance. all of the limelights were screaming" I need you in my life like lime light" i looked around the giant auditorium at the flash lights on their phones waving their hands with the rhythm.

Daniel looked around the crowed and stopped when he found me. his eyes met with mine and the biggest smile spread on his face, he lifted his microphone to his mouth" i ain't afraid of how you got me feelin" his body moved with the other boys but his eyes never left mine. me and the girls sang and danced with the crowed and i smiled so much at Daniel that at the end of the song my cheeks hurt.

Jonah stepped closer to the edge of the stage" we just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight we appreciate everything you guys do for us!" the crowed screamed the other boys came over and hooked arms with each other and took a bow. " we love you!" the all shouted.

every one cheered, they where running for the stairs but Daniel turned his head and looked me in the eye, he gave me a smile and then winked. it made me blush and Carlee hit my arm. i looked up at her and smiled.

" what was that? did he just wink at you?" she shouted and some girls looked at us.

" shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! first calm down and oh god lower your voice," she smiled and Kaylee laughed.

" when did he say to meet him?" she smiled and i could tell she was holding in her excitement.

" after the show but i don't know how long to wai-"

" naysa." Kaylee hit my arm and was staring at the stage. i gave her a ' what the heck are you doing look' then i looked at the stage too. i saw Daniel leaning on the stairs, trying not to be seen. he smiled and waved me over. i gave him a questioning look then looked at the almost empty auditorium. i looked at Kaylee then Carlee and smiled. Carlee's face was so red and her smile spread from ear to ear. Kaylee looked like she was going to scream and pass out at the same time. i just smiled trying to keep my calm cause Daniel was looking at me. we slowly walked over to where Daniel was now standing.

we got closer and Daniel opened the gate slightly and let us behind stage. "hey," i came in first and smiled at Daniel.

" hey," his ocean blue eyes sucked me in and we just looked at each other. " you guys like the show?" he looked back at Kaylee and Carlee who where holding each other squealing.

they looked at him and their eyes went wide." um it was only the best night of my life!" Carlee said laughing.

his little chuckle came out and it made me smile. all i could do was smile at him.
" yo Daniel have you seen my phone?" Zach came around the corner and stopped when he saw us. " oh hi," he blushed and looked at Carlee.

her eyes went so wide and she held her breathe. Kaylee shoved her in the side and she let a small breathe out." hi, um the show was great."

he came closer and stood by Daniel. " thanks." he smiled and looked down at the ground.

" you guys ready for-" Corbyn came around the same corner and stopped when he saw us standing there. " oh hey there."

" hi," Kaylee waved and smiled nervously.

" are you guys coming to the party?" he was playing with his zipper on his jacket.

" yeah i was gonna invite them as a thank you for the bandana," Daniel stepped in and smiled at me.

" oh um you really don't have to we can just head back to-" Kaylee shoved me and the side and gave me a look like ' why are you being stupid' , which i probably was being stupid." or i guess we can go to the party with you guys," i laughed and looked at Daniel who was smiling.

" great well the party doesn't start for another a 30 minutes so you guys can hang with us till then," Corbyn smiled at Kaylee.

" oh um," Carlee laughed and then suddenly became really nervous.

" do you guys have a restroom so we can freshen up," i smiled at looked at Carlee then Daniel.

" oh um straight down there and it is on the right," Daniel pointed down the hall.

" thanks," i grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall and Kaylee followed.

we walked in the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. i looked at their reflections in the mirror and smiled.

" i still just don't under stand how you are so calm when you are talking to Daniel, he is so nervous around you," Kaylee leaned on the sink and smiled at my reflection.

" i don't know i just-" i was interrupted by my phone going off. i dug into my bag and got my phone out.

the bright screen shined in my eyes and my heart sunk when I looked down at the name on the screen," hey. Naysa you okay?" I looked in the mirror at the girls and flashed a fake smile.

" never better," I ignored the text and shoved my phone in my back jean pocket and grabbed the mascara from Carlee.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt