happy places

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me heart was pounding in my chest fast and loud. so loud that i was scared everyone could hear it.

i stared at the tv, i saw the girls look at each other then me then at the tv. they all looked just as shocked as i was.

Kaylee spoke first," so."

Carlee sighed," i'm sorry honey,"

" yeah i don't know what happened," ava rubbed my arm.

" what happened was he stole a few kisses and then left," i sighed," whats new out of life? " i stood up and my heart started to pound faster," i mean i meet a guy and think he is different then hey big surprise he isn't different, he is just like any other guy out there!" my sad voice turned into an angry one.

i turned to face them, then were frowning at me.

" hon-" Carlee looked at me sadly.

" don't." i sighed and shook my head down at the ground.

" i'm just gonna go and get a coffee, i'll be back," i walked out of the before they could answer. all i heard was loud sighs and someone say wait but i let the door shut.

its Daniel freaking Seavey! i thought he was nice, why would he kiss me and flirt when he was just gonna say to the whole world that he is single and ready to freaking mingle.

i sighed and stared down at the side walk. i walked around the corner and into my favorite café, hazels. it was a café designed to look like harry potter on the inside. it was nice and had tall big wooden booths on the side of the walls and sofa's in the middle part of it with a coffee table in the center of them. ( pic above)

" hey naysa! how was the concert!" the girl behind the counter was a good friend of mine her name was may, actually we only new each other because i came in here to write and come drink coffee with some Oreos when i was stressed, which is a lot of the time so i got to know the workers.

" it was good, how has it been here?" i looked at her and she smiled so big.

" well there is good news and bad news," she tapped her finger on the counter smiling.

" ok, bad news first," i smiled at her.

" well Britney got fired and i got promoted which means there is a opening," she squealed and jumped up and down.

" and?" i questioned confused.

" we all want you to take the job!" she yelled and i sighed happily." Julie said the job is yours if you want it!"

Julie was the manager," i mean i spend most my time here anyways and i have to pay rent somehow," i smiled and she reached over the counter and hugged me.

" yes! yes! i'm so excited!"

" me too! but i really need some coffee," i laughed at her excitement.

" right,your usually?" she smiled and tapped on the screen.

" you know it, a cookies and cream coffee smoothie," i got my card out and swiped it.

" i already got it!" Lucy came around the corner and smiled.

" awe thanks," i grabbed the large plastic cup from her hand.

" i saw you come in and made it, and i also saw May get really happy which means you took the job?" she smiled at me holding in her excitement.

" yes i took it," we all laughed, " now i am going to drink my coffee," i walked away laughing and sat at my usually table, there was a few tall tables that sat two people a crossed from each other and they were lined next to the window. there was two tables by each window.

i sighed and sat down. i put my phone on the table and sipped my coffee, i let the cold blended ice slide down my throat.

i don't get it. why would Daniel say that he is totally single? and after kissing me? i mean how many times can this happen to a girl.

my heart ached thinking of the memories.

flashback. freshman year of college.

" go on a date with me!" Richard looked at me and tugged my arm.

i looked into his blue eyes," why? just because every else thinks we should date that means we have to? who's bully you? who is pressuring you to do this cause i will brake their nose!?" i stood up and stared in his eyes further.

" no one! i just want to date you," he sighed and grabbed my hand." naysa, you are amazing, you are special and not like anyone else. you are my bestfriend and i couldn't think of anyone else that would be better to date then you."

i smiled and rolled my eyes. " you're my bestfriend. what if this screws up our relationship?"

" and what if we grow old together? " he held my hand," we can sit here and go back and forth with the what if's or we could just take a leap of faith and just trust each other and trust we are made for each other! we could be Monica and Chandler from friends!" we both laughed and i smiled into his eyes.

" fine,"

** a couple months later**

" its our anniversary guys, i think i am ready," i looked at my three bestfriends and smiled shyly.

" no! " Kaylee took a deep breath shocked.

" you mean ready, ready?" Carlee came closer smiling.

" like give yourself to him ready," ava's mouth was wide open.

" guys he went from my best friend to my best boyfriend," i smiled and held my heart.

" no no correction, your only boyfriend." Kaylee shook her head and put her finger up.

" sooooo," i sat down.

" go get it girl,"

after a few minutes of arguing i got in my car and drove to Richards house. i was in a black lacey dress and had my hair curled.

tonight is the night, im nervous and happy. i mean i love him what could go wrong.

i thought to myself as i snuck up to his room. i opened the door and froze.

present time in the café.

i whipped the tears before they could fall. i sipped the coffee and looked out the window.

so i have been cheated on, and now-

" hey there stranger,"

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now