" You're here?"

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the door opened revealing Corbyn. " naysa?"

" hi," I said breathlessly.

" what are you doing here?" he laughed lightly looking at me confused.

" I came here to see Daniel," I smiled feeling happy.

a smile stretched across his lips," yes!" he did a fist bump in the air," finally."

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile on my face," is he home?"

" yes yes, come in come in," he smiled brightly at me opening the door so I could come in. I laughed as I took a step in the door looking around the familiar house. I smiled looking back a Corbyn. he pointed up the stairs and I nodded.

I took a deep breathe as I walked towards the stairs slowly.

deep breathes. just tell him you love him and hope you haven't messed this up so much to were he wont take you back. lets just hope. lets hope a lot.

I stopped in front of his door taking deep breathes. I shut my eyes as I lightly knocked on the door.

" come in," Daniels voice was muffled and exhausted.

I frowned thinking about how hurt he was last time I saw him. I grabbed the handle slowly opening the door. I walked in letting the door close behind me quietly.

" Corbyn like I said before she didn't take me bac-" Daniel was laying on his back staring at the ceiling before he sat up only to see me.

" hi," I smiled nervously at him.

" you're here?" he looked at me purely shocked.

" I am," I laughed lightly." Daniel I am so sorry. " I shook my head walking towards him.

" naysa, you have no reason to be sorry," he jumped off the bed basically running over to me.

" I do, I was such a jerk I didn't listen to you. " I shut my eyes not being able to look at him without crying," I was so paranoid about what happened with my ex that I didn't want anything to do with you after I found out about amber. I thought I could just move on and ignore what we had. but there's just something about you that I couldn't ignore you or what we had. I couldn't let go or move on. no matter how much time I spent at the coffee house! Daniel, I love you." I finished opening my eyes as my chest rose and fell rapidly.

he stared at me with a slight smile on his face. his blue eyes shimmered at me as his tooth gap shinned.

" say something," I looked at him nervously.

" I love you too," he walked over to me and without warning wrapped his arms around my waist crashing his lips on mine. my stomach filled with happiness and butterflies as I kissed him back. I laughed as we broke apart. I stared in his blue eyes as I ran my hands through his hair. he smiled back at me. we held each other tightly not wanting to let go.

" Daniel are you ready to g-" amber came in the door freezing when she saw us.

I jumped out of his arms fixing my now messed up hair as I stared at the ground.

" amber, you're here?" he looked at her guilty and shocked.

" I am," her voice was sassy as she turned to me," so is she."

" yes, she is." Daniel interjected before I could.

" why?" she was shocked at his voice towards her and how he defended me.

" amber, I love you but not how you love me," he walked towards her talking softly," I love naysa."

she looked between us," so you two have been-?"

" no!" I spoke up," I left once I found out about you, but we couldn't stay away," I smiled looking at Daniel.

he smiled back, " I'm sorry amber," he looked back at her sadly.

" its ok," she smiled weakly," all I ever wanted was for you to be happy," she smiled brightly at me, to brightly. " I just wished it was with me."

" I am so happy amber, with naysa."

" yeah we got that," she smiled at me strangely making me uncomfortable.

is she gonna kill me?

" I'll see you around dani boy," she hugged him.

" see you around," he laughed hugging her back.

" have a good time with him," amber walked over to me slinging her arm around my shoulders," don't lose him, you'll regret it."

" thanks?" I smiled at her confused and a little scared.

" see you around love birds," she walked out to happy, way to happy.

something is wrong. she is planning to kill me or something. no one is that cheery after what just happened.

" what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Daniel laughed as he grabbed my hands in his.

" hmm?" I looked up at him still confused from what happened." nothing."

" what?" he laughed wrapping his arms around me.

" how is she so cheery?" I shook my head looking at him," she is planning to have me killed I just know it."

he laughed loudly letting his head rest on my shoulder. " what!?" I laughed with him," no one is that cheery after what just happened!"

he looked at me smiling holding back a laugh. " I've missed you and your crazy thoughts."

I rolled my eyes smiled at him," I've missed this," I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

" all of it," he kissed me sending fire works in the air.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now