we the party

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" oh my go-"

" Daniel what have I told you!" I yelled from the bathroom holding my straightener.

he mumbled something before speaking up from laying on the bed in the hotel room," I don't get it, you look beautiful naturally so why do we have to wait like five hours for you to, ' get ready'."

" because," I rolled my eyes poking my head out of the bathroom door to look at him." this," I pointed to my face," is not beautiful right now."

he groaned as I continued my hair," but it is."

" you have to say that, you're my boyfriend," my heart jumped at the word boyfriend," plus, its a celebrity party!"

" so."

" so?" I pulled out my mascara starting to put it on," do you know how many beautiful women are gonna be there, I have to at least try to look good," I cringed looking at myself in the mirror.

" you look good all the time," I heard him rustling around out there, I focused on my makeup bag trying to find my eyeliner not listening to him," you look, absolutely gorgeous," his hands slid around my waist as he hugged me into him.

I jumped dropping my bag, tingles filled my body but I just looked at him in the mirror hoping I wasn't blushing," i'm not done."

he rolled his eyes burying his face in my neck as I reached for my bag. my breathing sped up as he placed light, soft kisses on my neck. I slowly searched through my bag trying to focus on my makeup but getting very distracted with his lips on my neck. he went up behind my ear bringing his lips lightly pressing them against it.

"you're beautiful," his low raspy voice blowing hot air down my neck made me fall into him more.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. " lets go," he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the bathroom. I shook my head bringing me out of my daze.

" that's just mean," I raised an eyebrow at him.

he smiled his dorky smile at me," yes."

I rolled my eyes looking at my outfit. I heard him groan walking towards me again. " babe, you look gorgeous."

" mhm," I cocked my head to the side looking myself up and down.

he let out a sigh coming behind me again, but this time I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck. he seemed taking back at my sudden move. I smirked leaning in towards his ear," two can play at this game," I whispered low and playfully in his ear. he held his breathe as I kissed down his neck running my hands through his hair slowly. my kisses were slow and soft making him fall towards me more.

I kissed his jawline making my way to his lips where I kissed him ever so slowly and deeply. his hands found their way to my waist holding me.

" lets go," I pulled away from him grabbing his hand.

he came out of his deep daze looking at me," now that was mean."

" yes, yes it was," I smiled at him as we walked out the door to meet every one waiting for us.

" ready?" Corbyn looked at us smiling.

" no," Kaylee rolled her eyes," he didn't let me finish my makeup."

" same!" all us girls yelled at the same time. I looked at Daniel and he just smiled innocently at me.

" you are beautiful without it," Zach defended looking at Carlee.

" that's what I said!" jack laughed slinging an arm over ava's shoulders.

" you get used to it," tate shrugged looking at Jonah.

" ok ok can we go," Carlee smiled walking towards the elevator.

" lets go," Daniel smiled down at me flashing me his tooth gap.

we all got some cabs to take us to the guys house. it was around 8:45pm so we were right on time to show up late. it took a good ten minutes to get arrive at this beautiful house. the house was very, very nice. it was like a mansion.

" so we just walk on in?" Kaylee looked at us concerned as we stood at the door.

" yup," Corbyn opened the door allowing the music to become even louder and the smell of alcohol out.

Daniel's grip tightened on my hand as we walked through the very crowed area with dancing people. we somehow made our way to the kitchen where the drinks were.

Daniel got waved over by a couple people so I waved him off as I made my way to the drinks.

" hey." I was scanning the drinks by myself when this guy came up next to me. he was tall, blonde hair, green eyes, kinda cute.

" hi," I didn't look at him I just kept scanning the drinks.

" what are you looking for?" I looked up at him annoyed slightly.

" I don't know, something not to strong," I shrugged my shoulders looking back at the drinks.

he mumbled while reaching across me grabbing me a glass bottle. " here."

I looked down at the unopened bottle.

its not opened so it cant be drugged.

sure, why not.

" thanks," I took it from his hands walking away.

" i'm jake by the way," he yelled from the counter as I walked away.

I stopped at the door turning around," thanks for the drink jake." I turned around walking in the living room. I scanned the very crowed dance floor for the girls. soon Carlee found me and drug me to the middle of the dance floor and we danced our hearts out.

" this is so great!" she yelled in my ear and I still could barley hear her.

" I know right! we have the best boyfriends!" I screamed back.

" omg he is so cute and he is checking you out! look!" I furrowed my eyebrows at her before she turned me around to see Daniel against a wall watching me, intensely.

I gasped dramatically," you think he likes me?" we laughed.

" I think you like him," she rolled her eyes sarcastically.

" just dance!" I laughed continuing to dance. my body felt on fire under his stare. his eyes never left me. they watched me dance, sing, almost fall. his body was leaning against a wall while other people were talking to him, or around him since he wasn't talking just staring at me. his blue eyes were dark as he held a drink in his hand. I tried not to look at him, cause every time I did I got tingles everywhere.

" naysa," Carlee stopped dancing as she just stared ahead of us at something.

" what?" I followed her gaze and my heart stopped.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now