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" guys!" Zach whined plopping down on the sandy beach next to us girls.

" swim with us," jack whined in the same way as Zach. he dropped down next to ava staring at her.

" no," she pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose further.

" come on," he dropped his head on her lap.

" please," Zach leaned further in towards Carlee.

" mm," she made a line with her lips," nope."

" where are the guys?" I looked around for Daniel and Corbyn.

" tate got sick so Jonah took her to the hotel. Daniel and Corbyn are," jack paused looking around," I don't know."

me and Kaylee looked at each other confused," great," I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

" hey!" I looked behind me at the sound of daniels voice.

" look what we found!" Corbyn joined him running towards us.

" oh god," Kaylee laughed looking behind us at the boys.

" look look look look look!" Corbyn dropped down next to Kaylee excitedly like a child.

" whaaaat," she took off her sunglasses looking at him.

Daniel dropped down next to me on his towel smiling brightly." here."

" wha-Ice cream!" I squealed taking the cone from his hands.

" where did you guys get this?" Carlee smiled taking a cone from Daniel. Corbyn and Daniel handed out the cones to everyone.

" we just, you know," Corbyn shrugged.

" actually I don't know," Kaylee laughed licking her cone.

" we kinda, sorta maybe." Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

I rolled my eyes," well."

" we got lost," Corbyn frowned looking at his ice cream.

" you what?!" we all burst out laughing. " you got lost?!" I laughed hitting daniels shoulder lightly.

" what? its a big beach!" he defended looking at Corbyn.

" not that big," I laughed at his face.

" at least we didn't get yelled at by the life guards," Corbyn smiled looking at Zach and jack.

" hey!" jack stopped laughing," that wasn't our fault."

" you yell ' shark!' and start screaming while swimming for the shore and somehow its a crime," Zach rolls his eyes licking his cone.

" it is when there isn't one and you cause a panic!" Carlee shook her head at him.

" I wouldn't call it a panic," jack squinted his eyes at her.

" everyone freaked out and totally abandoned the beach," ava smiled looking at him.

" wha-" we all looked around the almost empty beach," its sundown people are supposed to leave," Zach deffened.

" then why aren't we?" Carlee poked his nose.

" because we are different." he poked hers back.

" at least we didn't get lost," jack rolled his eyes.

" hey!" Corbyn and Daniels head looked up from their ice cream.

we all started laughing as they argued.


" so," Daniel and I walked hand in hand as walked down the streets heading for the hotel.

" so," I looked up at him.

" did you have fun in the water?" he smiled dorkily at me.

I rolled my eyes leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked," I did, only because I got to see you shirtless."

he laughed," you see me shirtless all the time."

" yes, but seeing you on the beach shirtless is so much better," I chuckled looking up at him.

" mhm," he smiled back," then its a good thing we are going again tomorrow."

" I guess it is," I giggled.

" so guys I got a question," we all stopped on the sidewalk, jack looked at us and continued." how would everyone feel about going to a little party my friend is having?"

" that sounds fun!" ava chirped next to him.

" yeah, I'm in," Kaylee looked up at Corbyn.

" me too," he smiled down at her.

" Zach?" Carlee looked up at him," i'm in if you are."

" I'm in," he looked at us.

" I guess that could be fun," I shrugged looking up at Daniel.

" sure," he smiled down at me.

" great!" jack pulled out his phone," we can head there now."

" um no," all us girls answered at the same time," we have to get ready."

" no you don't," Daniel looked at me confused," you look great."

" yeah ok," I rolled my eyes sarcastically," I have no make up on, my hair is a mess,"

" we aren't dressed right," Carlee finished for me.

" we don't have-" Kaylee started.

" ok! we can go to the hotel first." Corbyn laughed grabbing her hand walking to the hotel.

" it starts at 8, so lets show up at 9," jack looked up from his phone as walked.

" sounds good," I smiled at them getting over excited about going.

" is someone excited?" Daniel looked at me, everyone walking as couples down the sidewalk.

I giggled," yes!" he laughed at me.

" glad we can do something as a couple," he bumped my side playfully.

I smiled up at him," I guess we can, wait," I paused," what if someone sees us or takes a picture or tells-"

" babe," he chuckled," its fine. I know who is gonna be there."

" how?"

" its fine, its just gonna be some other bands there," he shrugged.

" so like a celebrity party?" my excitement grew.

" yes," he laughed as I squealed.

" this is so cool! I'm going to a celebrity party! like what is happening?" I hugged his side getting more excited.

" you are so cute," a blush flooded my cheeks as he stared down at me with his genuine, sweet smile.

" you," I couldn't stop my lips from tugging upwards in a smile," you are so amazing."

" I love you,"

" I love you too," I shook my head smiling at the ground. nothing but pure happiness filling my body.

" good," he slug his arm over my shoulders," cause I don't want you flirting with other guys there."

I rolled my eyes at him," why would I want someone else when I already have the best guy ever?"

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now