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" Daniel?" a girls voice came through the silence.

no one spoke as the girl came in the room. she had long dark brown curly hair, her eyes were blue and she had tan clear skin. she was absolutely beautiful.

" amber?" Daniel sounded confused and something else that I didn't understand.


my chest grew tight as I stared at Daniel stare at the girl. " what are you doing here?"

she slightly smiled," I came to see you."

" why?" he sounded confused with a hint of happiness.

" I missed you," her voice was playful oblivious to the fact I was right there.

" how did you get here so fast, you just called me?" he shook his head trying to process what is happening. both of us were.

" I said call me ASAP. " she laughed as she walked towards him," I was gonna surprise you."

he laughed lightly making me hurt more," but-what?" his light laugh made my heart ache. it was like I no longer excited.

" come on lets go get a coffee and catch up," she grabbed his hand sending me knees weak.

he smiled brightly," I would lo-" Corbyn cleared his throat in a obvious tone as he nodded his head towards me. " oh."



well I'm sorry that I'm in the way of you going to get a coffee with an old 'friend'!

that's what you say, oh?! really!?

fine. i'll get out of your way!

knowing he heard nothing in my head made my stomach churn as I knew I couldn't say any of it out loud. he looked at me conflicted which sent me over the edge.

I've been through this once. I wont go through it again.

I shook my head pushing past Daniel and amber, who still had his hand in hers. past Corbyn who stood in the door. I ran downstairs ignoring my name being called. I heard quick footsteps behind me so I sped up. I come into the living room to see the girls staring at me confused and scared. I blocked them out as I ran for the door. my name being called countless times.

I grabbed my boots throwing open the door running out into the dark cool night. I didn't put them on before I walked out because the person was right behind me. they called my name over and over again.

" naysa!" Daniel ran out the door with me. I looked around soon to realize that I rode here with Daniel and didn't have a car.

I paused to put on one boot very fast and I continued to walk. one barefoot one boot on.

" naysa please stop!" Daniel called again, his voice sad with a slight crack.

I stopped to put on my other boot. I slipped my foot in wiping the tears that fell like a waterfall from my red eyes. I turned to run again but someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

" naysa please," Daniel looked at me with sad hurt eyes.

it made me think about the day I knew I could trust him. the day I knew he was the one for me.

***" Daniel!" I laughed in the phone. Daniel was on speaker phone as I was straightening my hair." that's not true!"

" babe, it is," his laughed made butterflies in my stomach.

" where are you right now?" I asked as I straightened a strand of hair.

" Chicago," he sighed," I go on in twenty minutes."

" that's so cool!" I laughed," you get to go perform so close to my old hometown."

" yeah but this town is so far away from where you are now." he said and I could picture his cute little frown.

" think about it this way," I paused re-pulling up my hair in a different section," the more you perform the closer you get to coming home, to me." I laughed with my smile never leaving my face.

" I think about that all the time," he chuckled.

" but you need to have fun, make your limelight's the happiest people on earth for a night," I smiled thinking about how many people love them. " they all love you."

" I love them all too," his voice was light.

" as long as you don't love them like you 'love' me, I'm ok," I shrugged with a smile.

" ha ha," he teased," you know I would never do that."

" mm, do I?" I raised an eyebrow soon to realize he cant see me.

" yes you do," he sounded more serious." what happened with you and your ex, that will never happen with me."

his promise made me smile but the mention of what happened hurt my heart," I know. and if you ever do that to me it will not end well." I laughed slightly," as long as you tell me about anyone that might ever come after you like I'm after you, we wont have a problem. " we both chuckled," but! if there is a sign that history will repeat, well lets just say I'm out before it does."

" it wont repeat!" he promised with a strong voice," never."


" naysa," his voice was breathless.

" I wont do through it again Daniel," I shook my head taking my hand from his.

he looked down at my hand I ripped from his hurt," you don't have to-"

" I'm not blind Daniel! I can see the way you just looked at her!" I took steps back as my voice grew," you have never looked at me like that!" my voice was scratchy as the tears fell.

" I love you, me and her have a history," he tried to explain," I was just surprised to see her,"

" do you love her now that you have seen her again!? can you see a future with her!?" the question hurt me to ask.

he paused thinking, he paused way to long as he stared at the ground, almost ashamed. " naysa."

I let out a sharp breathe," then go ahead," I swallowed hard, my voice quiet and harsh," I think you gave those drawers to the wrong girl."

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now