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i smiled and felt the heat rise in my cheeks a lot" hmm true, true, good to know you pay attention" i winked and then instantly regretted it.

" i do pay attention, well at least to people i like." he looked down at me and smiled.

" so you do like me," i smiled.

" wh-? I-" he smiled nervously and rubbed his neck.

" you do that a lot."

" what?" he laughed quietly.

" you rub the back of your neck," I chuckled lightly.

" I only do it when i'm nervous," he looked down at the ground and blushed.

" its ok, if i'm being honest, its cute," I shut my eyes as I said it and hoped he wouldn't think I was weird . " sorry I don't know why I am saying these things"

" if i'm being honest, your cute when your nervous," he looked down at me and we held our glaze for a moment.

" hey love birds!" we both looked at Corbyn .

Daniel looked down at me and smiled softly.

" Daniel come here for a sec," Corbyn and Zach waved him over. he looked down at me and I smiled, he let out a sigh then walked over to them.

Kaylee and Carlee basically ran to me squealing.

" oh my god I think my heart stopped, actually stopped" Carlee fell into my side and rested on me.

" I think I just had a-" Kaylee began with.

" I beg you not to finish that sentence," I shut my eyes and held up my hands.

we all laughed," so its really obvious that Corbyn is in to you" Carlee shoved Kaylee playfully in the side teasing her" but I can't tell if Zach is into me." she frowned and looked at the ground.

" um duh girl he is so into you!" Kaylee slapped her on the arm gently and I laughed at the both of them.

" oh stop it," Carlee rolled her eyes sarcastically.

" its true though and he is not being cool about it either," we all chuckled," poor love struck Zach." me and Kaylee laughed and Carlee giggled nervously and her cheeks turned a dark red.

" okay girls you ready to party," Zach said with his hands in the air doing a little dance. Corbyn and Daniel were behind him smiling and silently laughing at him.

" ready as I will ever be" Carlee said nervously. we all laughed lightly and made our way to the room that the party was held in.

the room was dark and lit up by bright neon lights. there was a small stage and some black leather furniture around the room that were centering a small black coffee table. we walked in and there was quiet music playing and yes it was music by them. they walked over to their manager and started talking and preparing for the limelight's. us girls stood there in awe looking around the amazing lit room. I watched Daniel take in every word of advice that his manager gave him. I watched as his cute smile flashed his tooth gape and every time it did it made me smile. his eyes moved around the room with curiosity and wonder. his tall figure seemed to just fit with everything around him, he moved and got along with all the other boys perfectly. he stood there and made them all laugh and smile. he turned his head slightly and looked me in the eye. his blue eyes shot fireworks through my hold body, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and the butterflies swarm in my stomach. I smiled nervously, my body felt like I was floating in space, my focus was gone and all I cared about was getting lost in his ocean blue eyes.

" naysa?" Kaylee waved her hand up and down in front of my face and I broke our breathe taking eye contact.

" hm what?" I looked Kaylee in the eye and smiled.

she turned her head and saw Daniel looking at me, " oh my god you totally just fell in love with him didn't you?"

Carlee's eyes went wide along with mine and I inhaled sharply. " wh- what?" I lost my words in my mouth and didn't know what to say.

" alright we are gonna open the doors now so everyone get ready" a big buff man said with a light laugh in his voice, he reached for the door and opened it. I heard screams and then girls came flooding in the room that was once so quiet but now they seemed to have chased the silence and calmness away. I watched as the blue eyed boy I am so fawned of disappear slowly in a sea of girls that seemed never ending. some girls saw us and gave us a strange and odd look. I looked at Carlee and Kaylee. Carlee seemed to be sad but she wasn't frowning. Kaylee was looking at all the girls throwing themselves on Corbyn. I joined her and looked at Corbyn. he seemed to look tired and his eyes traveled the room and found kaylees, a smile broke through and spread across his face when he saw her. I was happy so I moved on and looked at Zach, he was acting cute around the girls. he looked at Carlee and winked, if I was being honest he did scare me and I was scared about him hurting Carlee but when he looked at her he seemed to have such a different look then when he looked at another girl. my eyes found Daniel's, he was looking at me and smiling. I blushed and smiled back at him. that boy is going to be trouble for me.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now