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" naysa," my eyes stayed shut as someone whispered in my ear. " babe, i'm bored." i groaned pushing daniels hand away from me. he laughed moving his whole body closer to me shaking the bed in the process. " nays-"

" what?" i pushing his face away from me so he couldn't whisper in my ear anymore.

" come on," he came back with a chuckle.

" no," i groaned rolling away from him.

" babe," he grabbed my waist pulling me back towards him.

i sighed opening my eyes," what? do i wake you up when you are sleeping?" he raised his eyebrows at me," nevermind don't answer that-"

" yes, yes you do. " he chuckled." lets think back to all the mornings you woke me up."

" no, no i'm good-"

" no," he shushed me," remember last Saturday?"


" Daniel," i whispered in his ear as he laid on the bed sleeping." Daniel. get up."

i stared at his sleeping face not fazed by my voice at all." wake up," i got louder.

he groaned rolling away from me. i huffed sitting up looking at him. a evil smile came across my lips as i picked up a pillow. i stared at it then Daniel, then it, then Daniel.

" oh well," i smiled standing up on the bed. i jumped down next to Daniel shaking the bed while throwing the pillow at him. i laughed as he jumped awake.

" what was that?" he rubbed his eyes shocked.

" i was waking you up," i smiled at him.

" why?" he sat up looking adorable with his hair all messy, probably from me.

" i'm hungry." i shrugged as he fell back on the bed with a grunt.


i crossed my arms as Daniel finished journing back in time." are you hungry?"

" no?" he looked at me furrowing his eyebrows together.

" then why am i up?" i sat up looking at him.

" i'm bored." he shrugged poking my noise.

" bored? you're bored? that's why i'm up?" I rolled my eyes falling back on the pillows. i stared at the pillow next to me with a smile on my face as Daniel rambled on about how he has been up for hours or something.

" why are you smiling?" he laughed looking at me.

" wh-oh just because," i smiled pretending i was strechting. i reached back while i was 'stretching' and grabbed the pillow as he kept talking.

" you're being weird. why are you sm-" i cut him off by throwing the pillow at his face. it hit him with a thud then fell in his lap. I sat there laughing at his shocked face.

" your face," I laughed out.

" i'm gonna get you back for that," he picked up the pillow with a smile. my eyes widened as i jumped up grabbing another pillow. i turned to see Daniel moving towards me with the pillow flying everywhere. i laughed swinging my pillow around to block his pillow and hit him at the same time.

we were both laughing hitting each other with our pillows. we somehow ended up with me laying on top of Daniel, both breathing heavy from our pillow fight. he had his goofy smile on showing me his cute little tooth gap. i imagine i had a stupid smile on too.

i leaned down pressing my lips against his gently. his wrapped his arms around my waist dropping his pillow next to us. my hands found his hair as we continued to kiss.

" still bored?" I smiled pulling away from his lips.

" not at all?" he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear slowly dragging his fingers across my cheek.

" well," I jumped off of him," i'll go make breakfast."

he chuckled sitting up." you're hungry?"

i raised an eyebrow at him," when am i not?"

we both laughed as i walked out of our room. i snuck down the stairs quietly trying not to wake up anyone. i tip toed in the empty dark kitchen.

" geez what time is it?" i looked out the window at the sun rising." you have got to be kidding me. i'm up before the sun." i rolled my eyes grabbing the eggs and a pan. a smile spread on my lips as i connected to the speaker and played my playlist.

i hummed to the beat of the song as i flipped the toast. my hair was in a messy bun on the side of my head, thanks Daniel. i didn't have any makeup on so i felt self-conscious. i knew Daniel loved me without make he has told me plenty of times but i still like it.

" one of the best mornings is watching you do that," i jumped turning around to see Daniel leaning on the door frame smiling like an idiot.

i rolled my eyes turning back to my pan. " yes i know i'm a joy to watch but could you please at least help?"

he laughed walking over to me." how can i help?" he jumped up on the counter next to me picking up the vanilla smelling it.

" first you can not eat my vanilla," i laughed taking it from him." second you can get me more eggs."

he chuckled walking over to the fridge." so why do you know how to cook so well?"

i gave him weird look taking the eggs from his hand," what do mean?"

" you know," he shrugged," is it like a natural thing or did you pick it up somehow? something."

i chuckled thinking back," me, my sister and my mom all lived in this small apartment for a while after life took a turn down hill. my mom was working all the time, and i mean all the time. from five in the morning till midnight. so when she would come home i cook for us so she didn't have to or she had something to eat when she was to tired to cook." i laughed picturing the memories in my head," i remember one morning i woke up at four in the morning just so i could make her breakfast. i was so tired i couldn't focus on anything. i leaned on the counter and shut my eyes for just a second, i swear it was just a second. i hadn't realized that the eggs and bacon were burning so bad that the fire alarm went off."

we both laughed as i stared at the eggs cooking." you are just perfect." i turned to see Daniel staring at me in awe," i love you."

i smiled at him," i love you too."

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now