hey girlfriend

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two weeks later.

" hey there girlfriend," Daniel laughed and i could picture his smile with his adorable tooth gap.

i took a second to think about the word, girlfriend. i blushed like crazy and my stomach exploded with butterflies.

" hey boyfriend," i smirked, then realized he couldn't see me.

" i like that," he chuckled light.

" what?" i laughed nervously.

" boyfriend." i smiled and listened to his amazing voice threw the phone," i wish you were here," he sighed.

i took a deep breathe," me too, but hey at least we can officially say that we wont be alone forever now!" i giggled and fell onto my bed.

" i guess that's true," he let out a quiet chuckle.

i sighed and stared out my window while laying on my side cuddling my favorite pillow. " what are you doing right now? like where are you?"

he laughed then took a slow deep breathe probably thinking," i'm on the phone with you looking out into a beautiful city, its so beautiful i am thinking of moving here with the guys and getting a Why Don't We house."

Daniel moving! a crossed the country! what! no!

" oh, " i paused in shock," well that's great. where are you?"

" there is a plus to this city too,"

" and whats that?" i smiled and cuddled the pillow harder.

" my amazing girlfriend lives here," he laughed.

" wait what?" i sat up and smiled so big it hurt. " you mean New York? tell me you mean New York!"

" i mean New York!" he laughed as the words let his mouth.

" wha- oh my gosh!" i stood up on my bed and jump up and down. i squealed threw my hands in the air. my stomach was filled with butterflies and goosebumps traveled everywhere.

" so you're happy?" he chuckled.

" um yeah!" i fell on my butt and was out of breathe.

" good because i have some more good news!" he teased me.

" how can it get better?" my eyes widened.

" well i want to see your face when you tell me so you want to open your bedroom door!"

" what?" i stood up and flew to my door, i ran so fast that i slammed into it.

" babe, you ok?" i heard him laugh nervously.

fireworks shot through my body at the word babe.

" fine fine," i stood up and flung the door open.

"hi!!" we both said and hugged each other. i wrapped my arms around his lower stomach because he was taller then me. he ran in and picked me up. he spun us around and i giggled like crazy. i pulled my head back and looked up at him. he smiled brightly and leaned down. i met him in the middle and our lips connected. i ran my hand threw his hair and pulled him in, he did the same but with my waist.

we detached and looked each other in the eyes.

" why are here?" my words we loud but not to loud.

" i am officially off tour," he smiled and waited for my reaction.

" wha- for real? as in you are gonna be here like all the time?" i ran my hands in my hair and kept them there.

" yes!" he smiled and hugged me.

" where are the guys?" i scrunched my eyebrows together confused.

" their talking to their girls and telling them the good news-" he was cut off my different screams throughout the apartment.

" i guess they know." we both laughed and held each other.

" guys get out here!" we both looked at each other and rolled our eyes at jack.

we went into the kitchen, the kitchen opened into the living room and dining room. we had a big open area where we had our table and then a living room. we had a love seat and a four seat couch, in the middle was a glass coffee table and a tv mounted to the wall. the kitchen was open and had a counter that wrapped around it.

" guys, hey!" i came in the kitchen and greeted the guys.

" hey," they all looked at me.

Zach had his arm around Carlee holding her tight. Kaylee was hugging Corbyn with both arms. jack and ava where holding hands smiling at each other.

after about a week jack and ava got together but were staying private like me and Daniel. in a way we all were, but the other guys could say they had girlfriends and Daniel couldn't.

i hopped on the island in the center of the kitchen. Daniel stood next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

" so you guys are off tour and living in New York now?" i smiled and looked down at Daniel.

" that's the plan," Zach smiled and looked at all of us.

" this is so amazing," ava smiled at jack then us.

" i cant believe any of this," Kaylee laughed and hugged Corbyn tighter.

" so who wants to order some pizza and rent some movies?" jack looked at me and smiled.

" i am down for that," i looked down at Daniel and he nodded smiling.

" yeah," we all agreed on peperoni and one scary movie and one romantic one.

me and Daniel were snuggling on one side of the couch that was reclined all the way back. Carlee and Zach were on the other side of the same couch, Carlee's head was on his lap and her feet spread out on me. jack and ava made a bed on the floor because they wanted to and Kaylee and Corbyn were laying on the love seat.

" so the Purge first or A walk to remember first," jack looked up from the ground.

" lets go scary then romantic," Carlee looked around and we all nodded.

i laid my head on Daniel's chest and breathed in his cologne. i put my hand on his ab's and he had his arm wrapped around my waist holding my close to him.

this is all i need. my bestfriends, my boy friends, and my boyfriend, it cant get any better then this nothing can ruin this. everything is finally perfect and calm.

we finished the Purge and started A Walk To Remember. towards the end everyone was crying and snuggled.

we all jumped at the sound of a knock. i looked at the girls and they looked just as confused as i was. i shrugged and got up.

" i'll get it," i walked to the door and opened it.

my heart sank when i made eye contact with the one person i hate.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now