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i stood there watching Daniel smile and laugh with the other girls. it bothered me the way the other girls acted around him. they were all so pretty and seemed to have a special talent. they had drawings or they would sing along with one of the boy's songs and it would sound wounderful. i sighed and looked down.

" i'm gonna go and get something to drink," i turned to Kaylee and Carlee and my voice was low and quiet.

" um alright, you good?" Carlee put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes softly.

" yeah just a bit thirsty," i shot them both a small smile and walked up to the counter and grabbed a red plastic cup. i reached over and grabbed the cream soda. i watched as the foam slowly went down. i turned back around to see what was happening.

" so i saw that you were already in the room before all the lime lights, how did you manage to do that?" I higher pitched voice girl voice came from beside me.

I looked over and met eyes with a brown eyed girl. she had short dark brown hair and small freckles spread around her face.
" um, what?"

" don't play dumb. how did you get in before the rest of us, who waited for our time," she became sassy really fast and it took me by surprise.

" okay calm down its not like they took me for coffee and I hung out with them," I laughed at my own inside joke," I showed up early and I knew one of the bodygards so I was talking to him then the boys got back and they let me and my friends in a couple minutes early, no big deal," I crossed my arms over my chest and stood my ground. shes looked a little taken back by my response. I was shocked I could come up with that good of a lie that fast.

" so you get special treatment just because you knew a bodyguard," her voice was more serious this time and she took a small step closer to me.

" no I didn't ask to be let in early and it was like maybe five minutes and none of the boys even talked to me so you can stop flipping sh-" I took a step closer to her but was rudely interuped.

" jen come with me please," a tall burly man came inbetween us and showed the girl out. I let out long breathe in disbelief and looked back out in the crowed. I met eyes with a concered looking Daniel.

daniels POV

I love the fans there all so nice and talented. but I cant get naysa out of my head, she is beautiful and funny, she is just something different. ;)

I looked over and saw naysa walking away from her friends, she looks really upset. I watched as a girl went up and started to talk to her. it looked like the conversation got heated really fast.

" exuse me for a minute," I looked down at the limelights and it killed me to see how sad they looked when the words left my mouth.

I walked over to bob and tapped him on the shoulder. bob is my favorite guy, he is cool and layed back but when it comes to his job he gets serious.
" what can I do for you mr. Seavey?" he looked down at me and smiled.

" you see those two girls over there?"

" yeah," he looked at me confused. " I know the ones name is jen, she is a pushy little thing."
" yeah, she is bothering naysa for some reason can you do something, in a nice way?"
" of course," he slapped me on the should lightly smiling.

" thanks," I watched as he escorted her out. I didn't mean for it to go that far but the way that she was bothering naysa it just, it bothered me.

Naysa's POV

people, why are they so over dramatic. well then I can understand why she would be upset I mean she bought her ticket and I don't even have ticket. oh my god what am I even doing here. I don't have a ticket, I didn't wait in line. all these girls do have tickets and they did wait in line. oh my gosh I am such a horrible person-

" hey,"

I jumped at daniels voice beside me. I looked up at him and I didn't have to fake smile, when I laid eyes on him it was like a reaction.

" hey,"
" you okay? I saw some girl come up to you and it looked like she made you upset," he was so close to me our arms where slightly touching, we were both leaning on the mini bar facing the big crowed.

" I'm fine, I've been through worse," I looked up at him and smiled.

" are you sure, you look pretty upset?" he moved and stood infront of me shielding me from the crowd.

I sighed loudly," I guess I just feel wrong being here, I mean all these girls bought tickets to see you and I show up and get a free pass to get in here early and hang out, I don't know I feel bad like no one wants me here," I cover my face with my hands.

I felt big warm hands conver mine and bring them down from my face. " I want you here."

he stared down at me and in my eyes. he wasn't looking at me, he wasn't looking through me, he was looking into my soul and sending goosebumps all over my body. his blue eyes shimmered with the lights, his hair shined and fell to the side perfectly.

" you make me speechless," I laughed quietly and out of breathe.

" you make me breathless," he smiled slightly.

we were less then five inches away, we both were breathing slightly heavy.

" you know last time a guy looked at me like that I got hurt,"

" I would say the same but no girl has ever made me feel like this before," I came closer and never once broke our eyecontact.

" you sir are something different," I smiled at my joke.

" you are something different," he smiled bigger.

" maybe we are something different and we should be something different together," I winked and felt a blush come over my face.

" I couldn't agree more"

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora