" you lied!?"

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a girl? a girl?

" hello?" the girls voice went from happy and cheery to confused.

Carlee scrunched her eyebrows at me," who is this?" I asked calmly.

" um, is this not Daniel Seavey's phone number?" she seemed embarrassed.

" no it is," I paused trying not to grill her with questions." who are you?"

" its Amber, who are you?" she sounded sassy which made me mad.

" I'm-"

I cant say girlfriend! fudge.

" a friend." I cleared my throat," can I take a message?"

she sighed and its like I could feel her eye roll," sure," she paused thinking," tell him that I miss him and want him back. and tell him to call me ASAP."

" uhm," I cleared my throat taking in her message," I'll let him know."

" thank you," her voice was cold and flat.

"mhm," she hung up as I held my stance with the phone still to my ear. my mouth still dropped and my body still froze.

" who was it? are you ok?" Carlee came and sat by me on the couch rubbing my back. she must have seen my mood change.

" um," I stared in front of me shocked," it was a girl."

" a girl?" she was shocked.

" a girl."

" a girl?" she asked again," what did she say?"

" she said to tell Daniel that she misses him and wants him back and to call him ASAP," I took a deep breathe bringing my eyes to hers.

" wow," her voice was breathless," what are you gonna do?"

" what do you mean?" I turned to face her.

" well, what are you gonna say?" she moved closer to me concerned.

" what can I say? I have to tell him." my eyes shifted to floor feeling a gut wrenching pain.

" wha-" the guys all came in carrying the bowls and drinks.

I turned to Carlee taking in a deep breathe before looking at Daniel," can we talk?"

his face dropped into confusion," sure?"

" uh guys," Carlee stood up," maybe we should give them some pr-"

" no no, its fine we can go upstairs," I swallowed as I walked towards the stairs, Daniel quick to follow.

we walked to his room in silence. I opened the door walking in basically ripping the hair out of my head from running my hands threw it.

what do I say?

do I give him the message?

of course I do.

" naysa?" Daniel brought me out of my rant.

I let out a sigh," you got a phone call."

" ok?" he came closer.

" she asked me to leave a message for you," I brought my eyes from the ground to meet his ocean blue ones.

" she?" he looked confused.

" Daniel, who is amber?" I shut my eyes taking in a huge breathe.

he was quiet for a moment before speaking," amber called?"

my head snapped up looking at him," who is she Daniel?" my voice grew louder on its own," and why did she tell me to tell you that she misses you and wants you back and to call her ASAP!?"

he seemed taken back by my sudden voice change. " she said that?"

my angry rose," who is she?!"

" naysa," he came towards me in attempt to calm me down," let me explain."

" did you lie about not having a girlfriend!?" angry was laced through my voice.

" naysa let me ex-"

" did you or did you not date her!?" I threw my hands in the air as I yelled at him.

" naysa," he sighed as he took a step closer to me," I- we- it was just-" he sounded defeated," we were bestfriends."

" what?" I spit back becoming a confused angry person. and that's never good!

" we were bestfriends back home," he began in a low calm voice," we were very close."

" did you date?" my voice was now quiet.

he paused," not exactly."

" not exactly!?" my voice shot back up.

" we-" he started reaching for me to calm me," we just- I just-" he closed his eyes.

" Daniel," my eyes shut blinking the tears that threatened to form," just tell me the truth."

" she was my bestfriend. she helped my threw me journey of music but we slowly drifted apart. when I lived at home we did have feelings for each other." he paused, his words hit me like rocks," we never made it official because I was leaving town. "

the more he explained the more I wanted to cry," so you and her loved each other?" my voice cracked as my throat was dry.

" I thought I loved her," he sighed," but I loved her as a friend. I didn't know what love was. I do now, naysa," he walked towards me reaching for my hands, this time I let him grab them," I love you. not her, and I never will."

I shook my head," what did you two do?"

" what do you mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

" since you weren't 'official'," I met his eyes in what seemed like forever.

" we just snuck around," he sounded sad," she would meet me places and we would hang out."

" does she know about me?"

" no one does," he got quiet.

I sigh, the weight on my chest growing," does she still love you?"

he looked at me sad," she did when I last saw her."

I sucked in a small breathe," do you still love her?"

" no!" his grip tightened on my wrist pulling me closer," I love you."

I bit my lip thinking," what are you gonna tell he-"

" Daniel?!" Corbyn ran up the stairs and barged in the room.

" what?" he looked at Corbyn confused and slightly angry.

" I think you should come down stairs for a moment." he did a little head nod trying to be secretive.

" what? no," Daniel didn't get the hint.

" bro, yes you do-"

" Daniel?"

In Love With You; Daniel Seaveyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें