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" so you guys ready?" i looked at them in the mirror as the looked their bodies up and down. " you guys look fantastic the boys would be stupid if they didn't fall madly in love with you guys."

" you look the best out of all of us and Daniel would be the biggest fool to not go after you," Carlee smiled and crossed her arms.

" can we stop kissing each others buts and get moving there are 3 hot boys waiting on us." Kaylee laughed and motioned us to the door.

i put my hands up in surrender" ok ok lets go," i held the door as they walked out.

i walked out after them and we walked towards the boys. they were all standing there smiling in a circle. Corbyn saw us first and hit Zach in the arm and they all looked at us. Daniel and i made eye contact and my stomach filled with butterflies. i quickly looked at the ground trying to get my blushing under control.

" you guys want to go and get some coffee?" Zach looked Carlee up and down and smiled suspiciously.

" yeah i'm gonna need it to make it through the party," Kaylee said and we all laughed.

" great i know this place down the street," Daniel looked at me and motioned us to the door.

we started to walk but Zach made his way to Carlee and Corbyn kind of just appeared next to Kaylee. that left me and Daniel walking next to each other.

" so... " he paused and seemed nervous," i really don't know what to say," he laughed and rubbed his neck. " i can never seem to find anything to say."

" you are really cute when you are nervous" i my eyes widened when i realized what i said. " that was not supposed to come out like that," i laughed and covered my face in complete and utter embarrassment.

he looked down at me and smiled, his cheeks were red and he just smiled," i could say the same for you."
i blushed and looked down at the side walk. we were in back, then Carlee and Zach, who by the way were standing really close, and then Corbyn and Kaylee were leading us.

" where are the other boys?" i looked up to meet his blue eyes.

" they are hanging with their girlfriends," he smiled.

" oh. so what's your story?" i was playing with my shirt and looking at the ground.

" what?" he looked at me confused.

" like you know, what's your girlfriend history?"

" oh well actually i haven't had one yet," he got quiet towards the end and he looked at the ground his cheeks a light shade of pink.

his words made me a little happy for some reason," oh that's actually really cute," i have no idea why i just admitted to that.

he smiled," what's your story?" he looked down at me and in my eyes.

" my story?" the horrible memories came flooding back and looked away from his eyes," um well i only had one boyfriend. he started as my friend but then he told me he had feelings for me then every said that we should date so we did in the beginning of freshmen year in college we dated but towards the end of the year then i found out he cheated on me with his ex, who might i mention had it out for me the whole time," my eyes became red and started to fill with tears but i quickly blinked away.

i finally looked at him and he was looking at me with these sad puppy dog eyes," please don't do those eyes,"

" what eyes?"

" those 'oh i'm so sorry for you' eyes" i slightly laughed.

" oh sorry," he laughed slightly" that sucks, so what happened after that?"

" i confronted him and he denied it but then i told him to get lost and stay away from me, then he tried to stop me then i broke my lamp throwing it at him" we both chuckled" then i have been trying to avoid him but since we are in the same college and school is now starting again so its gonna be even more stressful, oh and did i mention that his ex is also going to that college" i rubbed my head stressing about it.

" where are you going to college?" he looked at me and it was clear that he was trying to change the subject to make me feel better.

" a university in New York," i smile and look back down at the floor.

" that's cool. New York is a great city," our hands slide against each other and sent tingles through my body.

i took a quick deep breathe" yeah it is, we all came down to visit our parents. and well to go to your show," we both laughed softly.

" you live in this town?"

" no we live in a small town in Illinois." i laughed at his confused face.

" oh so you came a long way then," he looked down at me and smiled.

" yeah but i don't mind it i like to travel," i look at his smile and it made me blush.

" oh i love traveling i-" he began but was cut off by Corbyn.

"yo we are here guys" Corbyn and Kaylee turned around and we all caught up to them. Corbyn went in first then Kaylee, Zach, Carlee, then Daniel held the door for me and let me in first then he followed me. we all went up to the counter and got in line. i scanned the menu and by time i realized what i wanted Corbyn bought his and Kaylee's drinks and Zach bought his and Carlee's drinks i went up to register.

i ordered a caramel ice coffee, i reached in my back pocket for my five but Daniel's voice came from behind me and ordered some coffee. i looked at him and he was handing the lady a card. he looked down at me and smiled.

" you didn't have to do that i could-"

" i didn't have to i wanted to" he smiled and grabbed his card back from the lady.

" wow you know for a boy who hasn't had a girlfriend you really know what to say to girl," i laughed and looked at him.

" so you like what i say?" he leaned one hand on the counter and smirked at me.

" hmmmm" i looked him in the eyes" well-"
" here you are" the waitress handed us our drinks and we both said our thank you and smiled at each other. we walked over to where the others where standing.

" ready? the party is gonna start in ten mins lets move people!" Corbyn yelled walking out the door. me and Carlee look at each other then at Kaylee who was smiling so big, bigger then ever before.

Daniel looked down at me and smiled as we walked to the door. " you ready for the party?"

" hmm not entirely but i guess, the real question is are you ready? i mean how do you deal with all those people wanting to see you?" i met his blue eyes and walked at the same time, which was different.

" well that's easy, i love all the fans."

" oh so you love me?" i smiled and bumped his arm playfully.

he laughed and turned a shade of dark pink," i mean you love me don't you?" he smiled and i felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

" w-what?"

" you said you wear the bandana of your favorite guy's name, and you are wearing me" he smiled and tilted his head down to my thigh wear i tied my bandana on my thigh.

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora