the struggle

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i couldn't help but smile at Daniel. he was still laying on my lap sound asleep as we drove home in the uber. his lips parted slightly, his hair a mess, everything i couldn't help but smile at. the only reason i pealed my eyes off of him was to look at the beautiful starry night. there were billions of stars out. all gathering next to the other. just shinning in their own way.

the driver pulled up in front of the house. the lights were off and i still was staring at the sky. the lady cleared her throat bringing me out of my trance. she smiled at me then at a sleeping Daniel.

"Daniel," i smiled as a tried to wake Daniel up.

" hmm?" he groaned not opening his eyes.

"Daniel, we are home," i laughed as the uber driver stopped in front of our house more.

" home-" he mumbled something not moving from my lap.

" Daniel i'm not even gonna pretend i understood a word of what you just said." i pushed my door open letting in the crisp night air.

i groaned lifting his head up off my lap and scooted out of the car. i dropped his head on the seat hoping it would wake him up.

" ow," his eyes opened as he rubbed his head where the buckle hit.

i smiled at him innocently waiting for him to get up." come on."

he looked at me confused for a second before shuffling around to get out. he finally stumbled out of the car and fell into me. the uber driver laughed at us as i held him in my arms walking up the dark sidewalk to the door.

we must be the first ones home because no lights were on and the door was still locked. a annoyed sigh let my lips as i jiggled the door handle.

" Daniel i need your key."

his head was buried in my shoulder." wh-my pocket." his voice was tired.

" which one?" i mumbled to myself as i shifted him so i could reach in his pocket. i bite my lip to stop myself from laughing thinking how i have to reach in his pocket, it shouldn't be weird but it is. although i wouldn't necessarily say weird, maybe just, funny?

i bit back a smile as i stuck my hand in his front left pocket feeling around for the key. i sighed finding nothing, so i pulled out my hand and reached around to the front right pocket.

" got it!" i yell whispered pulling out the key in victory. i moved us both towards the door." you know you could at least try to help hold yourself up."

i pushed open the door walking us both in, it was a struggle." wh-m-na-lo-" his voice was muffled in the crook of my neck.

" you have got to stop that," I laughed staring up the stairs breathing heavy." this is gonna be a challenge."

" wha-?" Daniel wrapped his arms around me tighter.

" well," i sighed turning to look a him a little," if we fall backwards and die, its all on you." i chuckled grabbing the railing pulling me up the first stair. " oh sh-" my grip tightened on the rail as our weight went backwards. i held us there trying to gain my balance back. once i did i continued up the stairs.

by time i reached the top i broke a sweat and was breathing heavy. " i feel like that took way to much energy." i let out a long breathe moving us towards our room. " almost there," i kicked open our door stumbling over to the bed. i dropped him on the bed thinking i could go change but instead i got pulled down landing on Daniel.

i groaned pushing up to look at his face. he was smiling at me. " have you been awake this whole time!?"

he laughed bringing his hand to my face pushing back a piece of hair behind my ear." no," i raised my eyebrow at him," maybe. yes!" he let out a laughed.

" wha- so you just watched me struggle that whole time!?" my mouth dropped open as he kept laughing.

" yes," he brought himself together looking at me." it was adorable."

" what me struggling to get you out of the car, then in the house, then up the stairs, then on the bed?!" i couldn't help but smile at his stupid little face.

" yes," he wrapped his arm around my waist staring into my eyes with a smile on his lips. he quickly flipped us so that he was now hovering over me. i blushed looked away from his intense stare.

" you could have helped a little," i smiled as he brought his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him.

" you had it," he smiled bringing his face closer and closer to mine." plus it was funny the way you got so frustrated sometimes."

" oh my- you are mean," i laughed running my hand through his messy hair.

" and you're unbelievable."

In Love With You; Daniel SeaveyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя