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alexdelonly gringo i'll ever approve of #nofrogshereview ever 1,379 comments

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only gringo i'll ever approve of #nofrogshere
view ever 1,379 comments


omg is this a sub to tom?!

"Was that post really necessary?"

"Yes," Alex grumbled, not even bothering to look up from her phone.

Kat only rolled her eyes as she left the kitchen, going straight to her room.

She had been this way since she found out via Carter that Tom was out kissing another girl.

She tried really hard to forget about it and not think about it but when Tom hadn't called her at all the following days and barely texted her back, that girl was all she could think about.

Was Tom dating her and cheating on her with Kat?

Was that just some random girl he just met and took with him to that event?

Kat didn't know what to think but with every minute that passed that she didn't talk to Tom, the more worried she got.

Kris entered her room suddenly, shocked at what she saw, "Holy shit. Your room is spotless."

"Yeah, well," Kat adjusted the shoes on her rack, "You know I clean when I want to get my mind off of things."

"He still hasn't called then?" Kris sighed, taking a seat on her bed.

"No," Kat huffed, "And you can save your 'I told you so'."

"I wasn't going- are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Uh huh... then why haven't you left your room since..."

"Because you know when I'm on my days off, I like to relax. What's the crime in that?"

"There's no crime in- why are you being so defensive?"

"Why are you in here?" Kat shot back, "Because, like I said, I don't need you here to gloat about how right you are or to tell me to grow up and move on."

"I wouldn't do that to you," Kris frowned, "I know you really cared about him and you're hurting right now."

"I know I shouldn't have though," Kat sighed as she laid back on her bad, "God- I knew this was all too good to be true."

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