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'He's sleeping with other girls

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'He's sleeping with other girls. You're not the only one.'

That sentence kept repeating in Kat's mind as her and Tom walked around the city.

Alex kept true to her word and kept repeating the same thing the entire day before Tom picked Kat up for their date.

So no matter how much fun Kat was having with Tom and just being with him, she couldn't stop thinking about that.

Tom could tell something was up with her but he figured that was just her being nervous and didn't bring it up, until they stopped in front of a particularly romantic area.

He always said to himself whenever she would visit, this would be one of the first places he'd take her, where he'd kiss her and ask her to be his girlfriend.

But now as they stood there and he looked down at her, she did not look as happy as he did in that moment.

'Maybe she's still nervous?' he thought, deciding to lean down to try to kiss her, get rid of those nerves.

Seeing him start to lean down, Kat immediately stiffened up.

'Just kiss him,' Kat thought, 'Remember, he did nothing wrong. You have no right to be mad. You can do this.'

She tried, she really did, she even closed her eyes, ready to get the kiss over with but then she realized, she didn't want to feel that way kissing him so she quickly pulled away.

Tom sighed, straightening up, "What's wrong Kat?"

"I-I'm sorry I can't do this," she whispered, trying her hardest not to cry.

Seeing how emotional she was getting, Tom immediately got worried.

"Woah, hey, do what? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is you keep fucking leading me on Thomas."

"Leading you on? How the hell am I-"

"I know about the other girl," Kat mumbled, "Or girls- I just... I know I'm not the only one."

Tom instantly felt his heart drop, "I euh- how?"

"Carter saw you the first time then I heard Harrison on the phone the other day."

Tom was at loss for words. He knew it was a possibility he could get caught but he just didn't prepare himself for when the day actually came.

"S-So is it just one girl or...?"

Pulling at his hair frustratedly, Tom shook his head, "It's not just one girl."

"Oh," she whispered, the disappointment evident in her voice as she looked down. She already felt like she knew the answer to that but it still hurt nonetheless, "A-And when was the last time..."

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