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thellenshowfeels like just yesterday i was asking these two to come back to my show in an attempt to get them together, now here we are today welcoming them to their first home together! god, i am GOOD

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feels like just yesterday i was asking these two to come back to my show in an attempt to get them together, now here we are today welcoming them to their first home together! god, i am GOOD.
tagged: tomholland2013, katperez
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"What even is the point of today?" Kat grumbled, fixing the throw pillows on the couch while Tom laid with Tessa.

"Our friends wanted to welcome us to our new house."

"Did you at least tell them not to bring any presents?"

"Why would you not want any presents?" Harrison finally asked, "That's not normal."

"We already got everything ourselves, Harrison. We don't need anything else."

"Ew. You're the kind of person I'd avoid in my everyday life," Harrison frowned, earning a glare from Kat.

"When are you leaving?"

Harrison gasped when the doorbell rang, making him spring to his feet, "I'll get it!"

"This isn't- your house," Kat frowned since Harrison ignored her completely, making Tom chuckle as he got up from the floor.

"He did the exact same thing at my place, you'll learn to get used to it."

Kat only sighed when Tom went over to her, pulling her into a hug, "Don't be so stressed, baby. You'll get through today easily, just you wait and see."

"Ugh. I love how right I always am."

Kat and Tom froze at the sound of that voice, it being distinctive in any time or place.

Surely enough, when they let go of each other and turns around, Ellen and Portia stood there.


"Hey, thanks for the invite, guys," Ellen joked, "I only made your relationship possible, so, it was nice you thought of me."

"I didn't- we didn't- I never wanted this party!"

"She was only joking," Portia tried to reassure a nervous Kat, "Here. These are for you."

"Th-Thank you," Kat whispered, taking the flowers from her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Portia beamed, "She talks so much about you both."

"She does?" Tom was surprised now.

While he and Portia spoke, Ellen went to Kat, handing her a box, "They said no presents but I just couldn't help myself."

"Makes sense," Kat chuckled, "You are way too nice."

"I am."

"Anyways, you guys are way early. I thought Robert said the party started at three."

"Oh no, it does," Portia chuckled, "Ellen just loves to be very early to everything."

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