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"You two are very confusing

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"You two are very confusing."

"I was just joking!" Kat groaned.

Alex shook her head though, "Let's be real, you were telling the actual size- and now everyone knows how big Tom is."

Kat only watched her walk into the bathroom, Katherine turning to her when she was in the clear.

"Did you tell her about your little walk with Tom?"

"Are you kidding?" Kat scoffed, "If I did she'd never let me leave her side."

"Well I think it's really sweet. I didn't know you guys before everything but I'd imagine this is what you're like."

"This was," Kat smiled softly, "And actually a lot closer. I actually really missed him a lot so being able to see him and actually talk to him after so long..."

"Must feel nice," Katherine smiled, "Are you going together to Robert's party?"

"Robert's throwing a party?"

Katherine gave her a look, "He literally told us both about it at the same time after the interview yesterday."

"Oh yeaaaah!"

"You were too busy looking at Tom to notice, huh?"

"Whaaaat? No!"

Katherine only smiled at her, clicking on the next video on YouTube, deciding not to question her further.

"So are we going to go shopping or what?" Alex questioned as she exited the bathroom, now all dressed and ready to go.

"Why do we need to shop again?"

"Hello? The party tomorrow?"

"I already have clothes- besides, I don't want to leave Doc alone."

"Doc's going to stay with Evans, remember? I asked him yesterday after Alex suggested we go shopping?"

"Thinking too much about Tom's dick, huh?" Alex joked.

"Shut up," Kat mumbled, taking Doc's leash and leaving the hotel room.

Once Doc was safe and sound with Evans, the girls made their way to the stores Katherine swore by after having gone shopping with Tommy and Alisha.

It didn't take them too long to find something but Alex, in no time was hungry and begging to eat something.

"We literally just ate before we left though, you know that right?"

"Don't fucking judge me Katherine. I eat a lot. You should know this by now."

"And yet you don't gain any fucking weight- you bitch."

"I'm not appreciating this hostility, Katherine."

Katherine only stuck her tongue out while Alex nudged Kat, "What are you thinking? You excited for the party?"

"A party where all the Avengers will be? Hell yeah I'm excited."

"We just have to make sure we don't repeat the Evans/Hemsworth situation with the final Chris," Katherine chuckled.

"I feel like I'm just destined to embarrass myself in front of all the avengers."

"Well you did profess your love for Tom before even meeting him... and was shaking when you met Robert."

"I couldn't help it with Robert, okay? I love him! He's an amazing actor and Tony Stark? I just- oh my god. You know?"

"I know you're a creep," Alex chuckled, "Honestly, I think the only reason you became famous in the first place was so you could meet other famous people."

"How'd you know?" Kat smirked, opening the door to the restaurant.

The girls took a seat at a table outside, enjoying the nice weather and their day off together, thinking nothing of anything or anyone around them.

Well, that was until Katherine noticed a familiar face at a table not too far from their own table.

"Is that Tom?" Katherine asked suddenly, making Kat and Alex both turn instantly.

"Holy fuck. It is- and who's that bitch he's with?"

"Alex," Kat frowned, "We do not bring down other women because of a man."

"Damn right we don't- unless she's a slut who-"

"Alex!" both Katherine and Kat now stopped her, both wide-eyed.

"Sorry," she frowned, "I'm just very protective of you, Kat. You know this."

"I know. And I really appreciate it but, Tom and I aren't together. He's free to date who he wants."

"Fine," Alex sighed, "Hey, Katherine. Mind switching seats?"

Katherine raised an eyebrow at her, "Why?"

"I just- that looks like a more comfortable seat."

Katherine looked towards Kat who just shrugged.

She reluctantly got up to change seats, Alex smiling gratefully.

"Just- try not to act too crazy, okay?" Kat tried.

"Yes ma'am."

So, Kat and Katherine continued talking while Alex watched Tom and the mystery woman.

They didn't look like they were on a date, but then again, you never know.

She knew when Tom excused himself and was on his phone that that was her chance to go in.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kat questioned her when she got up from her seat, stopping the waiter from coming to their table.

"We're not ready yet, thank you," Alex smiled politely before looking back at the girls, "Tom just left. I'm going on."

"Why- why would you do that?" Kat asked wide-eyed.

"Because I need answers," Alex frowned, "I don't know why you don't need answers but I definitely do. So, I'm going over there before he comes back."

"Alex! Stop!" Kat whispered but Alex simply ignored her as she made her way over to the table.

She groaned, reluctantly getting up to follow her with Katherine close by.

"Hi, were you just with Tom Holland?"

"Um... yes, I was. Are you a fan?"

"God no," Alex scoffed, "My best friend here is actually-"

"Friends," Kat cut Alex off, "We're all Tom's friends."

"Oh," she smiled, "Well, then I'm Felicity."

Kat's frowned hearing her name, but she didn't say a thing. What was she supposed to say? Are you the same girl Tom just swore a couple of days ago was no longer a part of his life? Maybe she was a part of Harrison's life now.

"You a friend of Tom's, Felicity?"

"Yeah," she smiled brightly, "He actually invited me to be his date to Robert's party tonight. Are you guys going?"

Not a part of Harrison's life, then.

"Oh we are so going," Alex laughed bitterly.

Knowing by the tone of her voice that things wouldn't be going so greatly in a second, Kat faked a smile at Felicity, "Well, it was nice to meet you, we'll just go now."

Felicity slowly nodded, confused as to why they were leaving the restaurant so suddenly when she knew they just arrived.

She didn't say a thing though as they left, Tom coming back moments later completely oblivious of the situation.

"Hey, sorry about that. I miss anything?"

"No. Nothing at all."

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