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   Ooooh! Never done this one before.
Top: kryoz
Bottom: Smii7y
  Smii7y is staying over and has a huge crush on John
                  (John's POV)
      Me and Jaren, or smii7y, were recording some cs-go with Fitz and raccooneggs. It was normal, well, sort of. Smii7y wasn't wearing a shirt. Fitz was making stupid jokes.
                   *time skip*
   "Hey john?.." everyone left discord except me and Jaren. "Hm?" I looked at my other monitor. I heard him move in his seat. "Do you think I could come over?"
I looked over at him. He had a light pink dusted over his cheeks. I smiled slightly. "Uh. Sure." He looked up and smiled. His light pink turned into a red. "I um. I'll see ya in a few." He smiled and hung up.
*time skip*
As soon as I got out of the shower and dried my hair, I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and looked at my towel. I quickly put my boxers on and ran to the door.
Jaren stood there looking at his phone. "Um. Hey?" I waved awkwardly. He looked up and blushed a little. "Hey." He said. I moved a side and took his bags upstairs.
He followed silently. I placed his bags on the floor next to the bed and turned to look at him. He plugged his phone into his charger. I chuckled softly.
     My eyes trailed from the back of his head to his ass. It was heart shaped and plump. I felt my face heat up and my boxers get tighter. Lucas turned to look at me but I walked to the bathroom.
       What the fuck!!! Did I just?!.. uggghh!! This is so embarrassing and confusing!.. My thoughts were interrupted by Smii7y knocking on the door. "Just a minuet." I said,
I heard him walk away. I sighed and unlocked the door. I'll have to tell him eventually that I like him. I thought I was super obvious about it. I guess he took it as a joke.
I walked back to Jaren but saw him in his boxers laying on his stomach. He scrolled through Instagram. I slowly walked towards the bed. Thank god for carpet.
I felt my face heat up as I sat next to him. He turned on his side and looked at me. His face soft and rosy. I smiled softly. He slowly sat up and sat in my lap. I blushed and put my hands on his waist. "W-what?" I asked.
He put a finger up to my lips and said, "shh. I've waited for so long to do this." After that he kissed me. I kissed back and kept my hands on him. He draped his arms around my neck and tilted his head.
I flipped us so I was pinning him to the bed. I kissed his neck up and down. When I got to his sweet spot he let out a small moan. I smirked and left many hickeys.
He blushed and covered them with his fingers. "You cunt. I'm not gonna be able to hide these." He whined softly. I hummed and tugged softly on his boxers. He blushed and tried to take mine off.
I moved his hands and pinned them to the bed. "I wasn't finished." I started kissing his jawline down to his v-line. I made small hickeys there and let go of his hands. They immediately went to my hair. He tensed a little when I kissed and licked his stomach.
I got lube from the nightstand and put some on my fingers. "Off." I said in a stern voice. Jaren knew what I was talking about. He blushed and took his boxers off. I spread his legs and slowly slid one of my fingers in.
He bit his lip and moaned softly. I moved it in and out slowly and curled it. His moans got louder as I added more fingers. I moved them faster causing him to arch his back and moan loudly.
I took my fingers out and slowly pushed my member in. He whimpered softly. "It's ok. It'll only hurt for a few seconds." I rubbed his cheek softly. He blushed and nodded.
( Jaren's pov)
John thrusted slowly but sped up. Soon a wave of pleasure hit me when he got faster and harder. I moaned and dug my nails into his back. He chuckled softly and thrusted deeper. I whined softly. "Faster John~"
He got faster and hit my prostate. I moaned and arched my back. He hit it again harder and kept going. My eyes rolled back as I kept clawing at his back.
"A-Ah!~ John~" I moaned out. I felt a ball of heat form in my stomach and blushed. "J-John.." He hummed and snapped his hips. He hit my prostate fast and hard causing me to cum on our stomachs.
Two more thrusts then John came in me. We were panting lightly. John had scratches all over his back. He pulled out and laid beside me. I slowly and softly kissed his back.
    He hummed and smiled. "I love you Smii7y." He said. My face heated up. "I-I love you too John."

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