We might just miss you

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Blake and Mia, with both of them now up, bathed and dressed, walked down the corridor, Mia babbling into the tall, caramel-woman's ear as they did so.

Negan had been gone by the time Blake and Mia had exited the bathroom, twenty or so minutes ago, which Blake was pretty thankful for. As it had been difficult enough to contend with a naughty little toddler, let alone a grown man flirting with her the entire time too!

Blake smiled to herself.

The teeny girl was now, a little while later, balanced on Blake's hip, with one sticky hand on her shoulder.

"...I don' liyk tha cwoclat miwk wif tha' bunny on..." she said in a sweet-little voice, talking about nothing in particular. "...I liyk tha cow won."

Blake smiled, more to herself than to Mia, glancing up at her.

"Is that what you Mom likes to give you?" Blake asked in a gentle tone.

But Mia just blinked, squirming in the blonde woman's arms.

"Noh, I don' av Mommy, onwy Amy. She mai frend," said the teeny toddler, matter-of-factly, looking around the corridor interestedly. "Bry-yan is mai frend too..."

Blake at this gave a small frown, titling her head.

"And are they the ones who take care of you?" she asked in a slow, quiet tone, her heart beating faster now...although she didn't quite know why.

But Mia promptly replied.

"Yesh, I baby den..." she said with a small nod, her chubby hand moving up to fiddle with Blake's hair. "...naw I'm growd,"

Blake regained her smile at this.

She guessed that Mia's parents were obviously dead, in that case....perhaps they had been with Mia's now-group when it had happened, and that's how they had taken her in.

For who wouldn't want to take care of a girl like that?

Mia was as precious as could be, Blake having placed her into a dark navy dress today, from the pile that Dwight had 'acquired'' (most likely from the marketplace), a pair of yellow leggings, and had brushed her soft baby-hair gently back up into a little bow on the top of her head.

"Yes you are," she said, jiggling the toddler gently on her hip, making her laugh.

Mia suddenly placed a strand of Blake's hair into her mouth, just as a sudden figure appeared in the corridor ahead of them.

"Oh my god! Isn't she just adorable!"

At the voice, Mai, pressed her face shyly into the crook of Blake's neck, as Frankie came around the corner, followed closely by Layla, hands pressed to their chests in delight.

Blake smiled, turning Mia on her hip to face them.

"Mia, you want to say hi?" she asked gently. But the teeny girl shook her head, frightened.

Frankie tilted her head, gazing at the toddler sweetly.

"She looks like just the curtest thing," she said shaking her head. "We were going to come and find you-"

But Blake gave a bemused sort-of frown.

"You heard from Negan about her?" she murmured a little confused.

But Layla shrugged.

"No we haven't seen him," she said, tickling Mia's side with her finger. "But rumour spreads pretty quickly in this place."

Blake gave a nod, just as Frankie cocked a sudden eye at her.

"Where have you two come from anyway?" asked the red-head, looking Blake up a down. "Isn't your room in the other direction?!"

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now