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@KATPEREZ: ‪i want to start off by saying thank you to all my beautiful fans, friends and family for my birthday wishes BUT- my birthday? what even is that? MAKE SURE YOU BUY THE JONAS BROTHERS NEW SINGLE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! THEIR COMEBACK IS WHAT'S IMPORTANT NOT ME 😭😭😭‬

@KATPEREZ: ‪i want to start off by saying thank you to all my beautiful fans, friends and family for my birthday wishes BUT- my birthday? what even is that? MAKE SURE YOU BUY THE JONAS BROTHERS NEW SINGLE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! THEIR COMEBACK IS WHA...

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9.3k retweets | 17.2k likes

↳ @JONASBROTHERS: wow you're so sweet, thank you! and happy birthday!

"Good morning," Tom smiled softly up at Kat when he woke up to see her watching him.

"Good morning," she smiled back, "I love you."

"I love you too," Tom chuckled, leaning over to kiss her, "Mm, and happy birthday."

"Can I just say again, best birthday ever."

"You can say that over and over again," Tom chuckled, moving himself to hover over her, bringing her into a deeper kiss.

Kris knew she would be walking into something she definitely didn't want to see but she knew she had to go in if she wanted to spare her little sister the embarrassment of being caught by another parent.

"Get off my sister, put your clothes on and come outside."

Kat chuckled as Tom pulled away from her, sitting up slightly to see Kris covering her eyes.

"You know it's my birthday so I should be doing whatever I want today- and that includes Tom."

"Babe," Tom whined, obviously embarrassed but Kat continued to smirk at Kris who rolled her eyes behind her hands.

"You can do that- but if you do, be warned, mom will be the one interrupting when she comes in with your birthday breakfast."

Tom was instantly on his feet searching for clothes to put on while Kat sighed.

"I always forget about her."

"Yeah, don't tell her that and hurry up and get dressed. I'm the only one trying to keep her from coming in here and I won't be able to hold her back much longer."

"Yeah, thanks."

Kris backed out slowly, her eyes still covered as she closed the door behind her.

"Should I shower before I meet your mum? Do you think I stink too much?"

"No, you smell delicious."

"You're being too nice to me and I need you to not be too nice to me. I need you to be a bitch."

"I'm sorry, is your goal for me to hate you? Cause you're doing great if it is."

"Sorry baby," Tom frowned, going over to grab her hands, "It's just- Z told me all about meeting her and how much she loved her and I just... I really don't want her to hate me."

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