chapter 15

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I twisted my head all over trying not to fully opening my eyes.

I finally open my eyes when I hear the door shut.

" Camila?" I call out.

Shawn walks up to me and hands me a tea with lemon.

I forgot that I slept in Shawn's room last night.

I took the tea and thank him. He sat down right next to me.

" so what happened last night?" He asked.

I took a sip, " well you got super drunk, then when I go to your hotel room, you throw up everywhere so, I had to change you and then when you threw up it got on me. When I made sure you were asleep I took a shower here so thats why I'm wearing your cloths, I hope you don't mind."

He chocked a little on his tea, " oh oh yeah- sorry- its fine. Umm they look way cuter on you then on me." He was blushing.

I put my hair in a high ponytail, " thanks?" I stood up.

" I should get going."

Shawn goes to open the door for me, " yea."

When I went to go walk out Shawn stopped me, " I want you to know that I don't ever drink like that, even when I'm with my friends at my place. I just don't know what happened last night."

I took a deep breath.

" I get it Shawn. And I know you Shawn. I'm just glad your safe and you don't have to explain anything to me."

I smiled once last time at him and left to go to my room.

I opened the door and saw Camila sitting their on her phone.

I walk in. She jumps up, " where have you been?"

I go to my bag filled with all my cloth and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt. " Shawn's room" I say

I walked into the bathroom  and got ready.

When I walked out Camila wanted answers!

" So did you and Shwn do anything?" She smiles.

I roll my  eyes, " no god... No Camila! I just stayed in their because I forgot my room key." I tell her.

She laughs, " sure.."

She adds, " Anyways We are leaving for LA in about ten mins I'm just going to tell every since we all have a show tomorow night and its a good 8-10 hour drive on the tour bus."

 I nodded. She left and I started to pack my things.

A couple mins later I was outside waiting for the tour bus to arrive. It finally got here around 7:40.

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