Not another Bradley

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Luke POV

" She looks likes Sierra." Calum says.

I shake my head, " I know."

" Luke, she broke your heart. You gotta get over her."

" I am over her, but it's not my fault Kendall looks like her." 

" Luke, I know that but you have to stop staring at her. Shawn and the rest of the boys are starting to notice."

" God I know, but look at her. I ran into her this morning, and she took my breath away. She was so kind and sweet even with hot coffee just spilled on her. When she left this morning I thought I would never see her again."

Calum put his hand on my back, " Dude I know you usually don't fall for girls, and I remember you coming home this morning and you just did not stop talking about her, but how do you she's single. Like you said how can see be that beautiful, and not have a boyfriend."

He did have a point. When I was going to start arguing with him, I saw Shawn walk into the room.

" I'll just go ask Shawn. They seem like they are best friends."

I jumped off the stage, " Hey Shawn! Can I talk to you for a second?"

He smiled, " Sure. Hey amazing soundcheck. I can not for the concert thus weekend!"

I laugh, " Same here. I was wondering if I could ask you a question about Kendall?"

Shawn looked me in the eyes, " Why? I mean like why are you asking me? And what do you want to know?"

Now I was nervous. He didn't take his eyes off of me and he can't asking me questions, " I was wondering if you knew if Kendall has a boyfriend?  I asked you because you seem like your buddy-buddy with her."

Shawn bent down to my level, but he was only like 2 inches taller than me. " Luke I really like you and your music, but if you hit on Kendall I will cancel 5 Seconds of summer. I have done it before."

And right before he walked away he answered my question, " I"m dating Kendall. She is my girlfriend."


Kenny's POV

I have grabbing a coffee for Shawn and I

I saw Luke grabbing one too, " Hey Hemmings." I smiled at him.

He quickly looked at me then away.

" Skateboard boy!" I said a little bit louder, but still no reaction.

" Luke?" I walked over by him

" Ken- I have to go" He walk away with his head down.

Why was he acting so cold?

I stormed over to Shawn.

" Hey darling." He smiled grabbing his coffee

" What did you say to Luke?" I ask bluntly.

"What did he say?"

I rolled my eyes, "So you did talk to him."

" We just had a nice friendly chat about you and I."

" Shawn he won't talk to me anymore."

" Why is that such a bad thing?"

" Shawn? God your so unbelievable." I screamed.

" Why because I don't him in your pants! Why am I such a bad boyfriend for caring so much about you!"

" You again don't trust me. I don't want this to be another Bradley."

" Then don't talk to him."

" Shawn, stop trying to control me. I don't tell you who you can and can not see. Do you see me over reaction to all of the thousands of pretty girls you see everyday? No? You know why because I trust you."

he got quiet, " I don't want to lose you."

" Your not going to lose me! Not to Luke, not to Bradley, not to anybody."

"I don't believe that. I see the way you look at him."

" The way I look at him? I only met him today. How in the hell do I look at him?"

"You look at him like you can talk to him for hours, like you want to. You don't look at me like that anymore..."

" I do want to talk to him. I want to welcome him to the tour like you did to me on the Jingle Ball Tour! I want to be his friend."

" And how did we end up after I welcomed you? We are dating!"

" Shawn I can't do this. Maybe we should just take a break, and regain trust for each other.. I'm tired of fighting." I walk back to the stage area.

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