Chapter 24

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I woke up actual pretty early this morning. I woke up around 6 today. Shawn, Camila and I have a interview at 11, we have to there at 10 so I got some time to work out. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

Before I left I grabbed some earbuds and put on some songs that just pump me up!

I went for a good 20 minute jog before heading back to the hotel.

When I was walking to my room when Shawn was coming out of his room, and we bumped into each other.

" I'm sorry Kendall." I said sorry back. It was kinda weird since the Hailey thing last night.

He spoke up, " So... Hailey?"

I finally just asked him, " Why do you need a fake girlfriend?"

He gave out a little laugh, " good question... My manger said it would be good for me to get into the news a little more."

I just rolled my eyes.

" does this affect how we feel about each other?" He asked looking at me.

I gave out a werid smile, " what feelings about each other? We agreed on being friends and then seeing how things work out from there."

I gave him a high five, " well I'll you see later buddy!" Then rushed into my room.


I took a shower, put on a red and black dress but insted of just wearing that I put a black short sweater over it with black boots. I got to wrapping my gifts.

Not shortly after I got done wrapping Camila woke up. She took a shower and  put on a dark red and green skirt with a black long sleeve to go along with it. She also put on her dark red chunky boots.

We had about 30 mins before leaving so we grabbed some coffee and started to pack up of things because a little bit after the interview today we have a flight to Toronto later today, because we have a show there tomorrow night.

Soon after that Shawn Camila and I got going to the interview with Meghan Trainer.

We got their and headed into hair an make-up.

Around 30 mintues later we wer ready.

We all meet up with Meghan Trainor and we started talking about each others gifts.

" So Shawn what did you get for Camila and Kendall?" She asked.

He smiled, "Well for Camila.." He pulled a banana that was taller then her out of a bag and handed it to her.

She smiled and hugged the banana, " Shawniee!! I love it!" She hugged him.

I looked at the banana and laughed.

Then he pulled out of the same bag a black and white t-shirt.

He handed to me, smiling.

I unfolded, and read it.

It said, ' America Adorableness."

I laughed and hugged him.

Then he gave me another gift.

It was two small bananas holding a heart between them

" Let me get my presents!" I yelled.

I first gave Camila a blanket with Banana, she hugged me.

Then I gave her  white and black t-shirt that said, " Latin Goofiness" and I gave Shawn the same one but it said, " Candian Cuteness" he laughed and hugged me tightly.

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