Lazy day

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We flew back to Toronto, and Camila came to pick us up from the airport. We drove back to Shawn's.

" Thank you for the ride Camila." Shawn and I both said.

" No problem. I have meetings like all today with my manger, so I'll see you guys later." Camila said right before leaving.

Shawn and I went up to his apartment. I crashed onto his couch, " Shawn?"

" Yes honey?" He answered back quickly.

" I want to have a lazy day." I said.

" Kenny, what do you call yesterday?"

" I want a lazy day where we just lay on the couch, and its just us. Only us." I looked at him.

He came over to the couch, " How about I go to the store,  pick up some food, and gutiar picks, and then we can have a lazy day?" He smiled.

I returned the smile, " That sounds amazing. Bring home something I can make, I want to make you dinner."

He kissed my cheek, " See you in a little hun." Then he left.

While he was gone, I took a shower, and went hunting through his stuff to find his best sweatshirt.

I heard the door open, " Kendall?" He called.

I walked down the hallway into the kitchen, " Hey."

He walked over to me, " I got you something." He handed me a coffee.

I hugged him, " thank you. Do you need any help putting the food away?"

" No. You sit down. I got it. You can find something to watch on Netflix." I walked over to the couch, sat down and started looking.

Soon he came over, at down next to me and put the blanket over us, " Find anything good yet?"

I moved closer to him, " Yeha. This new show called, The Society."

He looked down at me, " Lets get watching."

We watched three episodes when we both decided we were hungry, " Should I make dinner?"

Shawn rubbed his tummy, " yes please."

I walked over to the kitchen and pulld out the chicken legs, green beans and corn I had to heat up/make.

" Do you need any help?" Shawn asked.

" No, You relax." I said back, mixing around the green beans.

" Do you mind if I try out my new guitar picks." He asked kindly.

" Not at all."

After 30 mins of making dinner and having Shawn play the gutiar, we were ready to eat.

I was standing by the counter thinking about stuff, when Shawn came a wrapped his hands around my waist, " whatcha thinking about?" He turned me to face him.

I tried moving to the kitchn table, " How fuckable Harry from The Society is."

Shawn pulled me back onto his, " Hey I should be the only one fuck able to you."

I laughed.

" Its not funny Kenny. If the actor lived in Toronto and you knew him, he could have you in a instant." Shawn snapped his fingers.

I pulled Shawn closer to me," And even if he did, and I did know him, I would still chose you." I kissed him, he kinda turned away.

" Hey Shawny boy, you are hotter and nicer, and better at playing the gutiar." 

Shawn turned back to me, " go on."

I laughed, " oh shut up." We kissed. And we kissed. And we kissed. Shawn had me backed up into the corner while he kissed me and I had my hands in his hair.

Then we both heard the door open, and stopped. Camila was there.

" Sorry. I'll leave." She left before we could say anything.

Shawn just smiled at me.

" Lets eat." I said.

We ate dinnee while watching one more episode of The Society, and then we headed to bed.

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