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In the aftermath of the battle , the villagers took refuge by the lake where they met up with Scotland Yard and Ho-chien and his men. There was a downpour that morning , extinguishing the fire. The carcass of the beast had evaporated , due to unknown means. Its bones turned into dust , having no traces of a ferocious battle that had occurred.  It left the old mansion in scorching ruins , along with the forest surrounding it and part of the village nearby.

Cromwell was still worried on what had happened to (Y/n). Ho-chien reassuredthe chief that she manage to escape safely.

"(Y/n) probably at her home now resting ... This whole event had taken a huge toll on her energy" Ho-chien spoke.

"Please send our thanks to her , for her selflessness" Cromwell said.

"Very well then ..."


"Hello there little one ... You must be lost ?"....

"I see great potential in you , come and join me !"....

"The name's Irene..."

"I want you to sabotage (y/n) Phantomhive's chances of figuring out our plans... Or even buy us some time !"


Opening his eyes , he was surprised to find himself in a room , lieing in a comfortable bed.

"Had a wonderful sleep ?"

He stood up and looked to see the person sitting on the side of the room watching him , enjoying herself with some tea.

"Y-you ? Why ? How- Gagh" Pain ran through his body.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" (y/n) warned. "You've been found with broken bones , a burnt back , and with little to no chance of survival. Its a miracle though you manage to break through"

"How long was I out ?"

"Approximately around 3 weeks" she replied casually. This surprised the male. "I thought you'd fall into a coma and just let death take you... I guess Grell is bad at his job. Nevertheless , at least your finally awake now. Takeyo"

"W-what do you want from ?" Takeyo asked , trembling. "Are you going to punish me ? Kill me ? Imprison me ? What ever it is , I'm alright with it... You already took away my onky family"

"Family ?" (Y/n) chuckled a bit. "You call those colleagues of yours a family ?"

"Yes !" He replied. "Everyone there ... Boss , he gave me purpose. He gave a place to stay ... I found my place... I was all alone ..."


My parents were immigrants , on the run from human traffickers. When I was born , my parents sold me off as a slave. I grew up working for an abusive master , untilbone night bandits entered his home , robbed him off his belongings and killed him. I don't know why , but rather killing me off they decided to take me under there wing ...

I grew up and thought the ways to kill. I learned how to use a gun and knife before I was 10. Overtime killing didn't really matter to me. All those people I killed , its just feels like I'm slaugtering cattle. They only cry when they meet death...

My bond with those bandits strengthen until...

"Your my Uncle ?!"

It was the reason why I was taken in... All this time , I had a family member all along. He told what had become of my parents...

The Next Phantomhive 《♡Sebastian x Reader♡》Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu