Fix you

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The song at the top will be played during a important scene. I won't say what but I will signal when it's time to play it. Enjoy.
(Ps keep a box of tissues handy)
"Why did Metcalf block our club again?" Markus asked. Throwing a ball in the air. "It seemed out of the blue don't you think?"

"Some parent complained." Said Matias with a sour tone. "One of the many things Jonah was pissed about."

Jack chuckled. He sat up the last target for Matias to shoot. Seconds later a arrow whistled through the air hitting its target dead center.

"Dang... I knew you were good. Not that good." Markus said. "Your definitely making the regional team."

"I sure hope so..."

"Hope so?" Markus said. "I know so."

*Next day*
Andi, Cyrus and Jonah took their seats on a bus. They're going on a visit to a local zoo, despite it being cold. Cyrus, who would normally be excited for a trip of this type was silent and sad faced. Andi was the same way.

"Where's Buffy?" Jonah said leaning over to Andi. Andi let out a sigh.

"She's going with Marty to the airport. He leaves today..."

"Really?! I thought he leaves in a few days."

"No... that's why Buffy was out of it yesterday..."


"I wonder how she's doing..." asked Andi. Cyrus shrugged. During their conversation Buffy and Marty were at the spoon getting breakfast.


Buffy approached one of the snack tables at Andi's party. She immediately eyed the cheese puffs and started grabbing a few. A guy walked up next to her. He'd asked if he knew her, which engaged the conversation. One that she remembers dearly.

"Why would you eat a live frog?" Buffy asked.

"He mouthed off" said Marty wittingly.

"You never ate a frog..."

"Of course not. Your just making this conversation very difficult."

"I'm just here for the cheese puffs." Buffy said.

"But your staying for the witty banter..."

"When does that start?" Buffy questioned.

"In a minute with someone else." Marty said. The two stare at each other for a second. Smile growing on their faces.



"Buffy..." Marty said waving at her from across the table. "Buffy..."

Buffy finally snapped out her thoughts.

"Oh... oh... sorry."

"I thought I lost you for a second."

"I know, I know... sorry." Buffy said moving her fork across the plate. "Today just isn't the happiest."

Marty gave Buffy an apologetic look.

"I know Buffy, but we have until 1:30. We can still make the best of our time before we go to the airport."

"I guess your right... where to first?" Buffy asked. Marty smiled and pulled out his phone.

"The park." He said. "More specifically, the bridge."

The pair went hand in hand to the bridge where they finally reconnected. Buffy wondered why he'd want to take her to the park over something like the fringe. Once at the bridge Marty covered Buffy's eyes.

What A School Year (A continuation of 'What A  Summer')Where stories live. Discover now