Opening Night (Part 2)

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"What do you mean his strings broke." Said Cyrus, causing Jonah to jump.

"They popped. He was tuning and they popped."

"Please don't tell me he doesn't have spares."

"He does." Said Jonah. "They are just locked in the band room."

"Alrighty, 15 minutes to deal with the door. No biggie."

It takes Cyrus a whole 10 minutes and swearing under his breath to get the door open with both Tj and Matias' help. He was then approached by Luna, the light tech.

"Hey Cyrus..." she said shyly. "Sooo... one of lights died and... the board went with it."

Cyrus felt something die in him. The stress building. Causing him to freeze.

"Cyrus...?" Luna said. "You alright?"

Tj noticed Cyrus' change in emotion and put his hand on his shoulder. As if a spell was cased on Cyrus, he relaxed.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll delay the start of Act II. Matias, can you tell backstage to wait up."

"Of course." Matias said walking off.

"Luna lets fix this board."

Zach approached his Mom, Dad, and Sister at the dinner table. 'Today is the day...' he thought. 'I have to do this.'
Zach's sister, Beth, is 7 years older than him and home from college on break for the winter. She and Zach have always been close. She, in fact, was one of the first people to know he was gay and it was she who pushed him to come out their parents on his terms.

"Mom? Dad? Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure son." Said Zach's father. "What is it?"

"Mom... dad... I'm... Gay..."

His mom gasped as his dad furrowed his brow.

"Yeah?" His dad said. Asking for confirmation. Zach simply nodded.

"Ok... although I don't agree with the whole lifestyle, your mother and I will support you one hundred percent."

Zach smiled and looked over a Beth who was also smiling. Satisfied he stood up from the table again and returned to him room. As he rounded the corner, Zach's father exhaled.

"I told you..." he said to his wife.

"Don't say that! He's your son and you'll accept him for how he is. Why is that so hard for you?"


"At least try and be respectful dad." Said Beth. "That's all we ask."

Act 2 started about 7 minutes late and finished without issue. The actors and crew celebrated their first show at IHOP, whom reluctantly served the entire cast and crew.

"All that work really paid off huh Cyrus?" Asked Andi. Cyrus nodded, mouth full of pancake.

"And whoever was drumming went off." Said Walker.

"Mmm, imma have to hand it to Jonah and Matias killing it on the strings. Don't you think Jonah?" Buffy asked but no response. "Jonah?"

She looked over and saw Jonah asleep on Matias's shoulder.

"Uhh... do you know about that."

"Oh." Matias said. Turning a shade of red. "I thought that was just my jacket."

"Awww." Said Buffy. making Matias turn a deeper shade of red.

"Dude... wake up." Matias whispered.

"Five more minutes..." Jonah groaned. Choosing not fight anymore, Matias just whispered ok and let him stay on his shoulder. The waiter approached.

"Is everything alright? Can I get you anything?" She asked. Tj perked up.

"Yes it's my boyfriends birthday." He said. A look of confusion crossed Cyrus's face.

"Uh, it's not my birthda-"

"It's his birthday." Tj said stopping Cyrus's sentence with his hand. The waitress, clearly confused nodded and walked away.

"Tj," Said Cyrus. "WHAT WAS THAT!"

"I got free food."

"Free food?! That's stealing you know."

Andi winced at the back and forward arguments. Buffy pulled her phone out and starts recording.

"This will be good..."

The next morning, Tj and Buffy were out on a jog. This was a new thing they started doing on Saturdays since Marty left. It gave Buffy an excuse to get breakfast at the spoon.

"Marty really enjoyed the show. Even though he watch it though a phone." Buffy said as she ate a peach slice.

"Yeah, Cyrus was really happy it went well."

The door of the spoon rang and Zach walked in. He almost immediately spotted Tj and walked over.

"Yo, Tj!" He said. "What's up!"

"Nothing man. Take a seat." Tj said. Zach complied. "By the way. This is Buffy, Buffy meet Zach."

The two shook hands, Tj continued.

"Why out so early? Especially on a Friday with no school."

"Oh, I'm meet up with Ben at the laser tag place across town."

"There's a laser tag place in town?" Asked Buffy. Zack nodded. "Hmmm, I guess we'll have to try Tj? Up for a challenge?"

"Buffy... I'm sorry but it's gonna be a land slide."

"You wish." Buffy said under her breath.

"ANYWAYS... Tj, can I talk to you? Privately." Zach asked. Tj nodded and followed Zach into a corner in the back of the spoon.

"Tj guess what! I'm out!"

"Out of what?" Tj asked. "Money, I think I have a 5 you can borrow-"

"No dingbat. I came out. To my parents."

Tj froze, mentally slapping himself.

"Oh, oh my god! I'm so proud of you! How do you feel?"

"Lighter." Zach said. "Like I can breathe again."

Tj nodded in agreement.

"I understand what you mean. Any plans to tell anyone else?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm gonna try and sneak it in during laser tag with Ben."

As Zach finished his sentence his phone buzzed.

"That's him, I gotta get going."

Matias stared at his laptop screen. He was pushed by his parents to apply to Thurston High School for the Preforming Arts. Thought he really wanted to go and his dream was to one day attend Julliard. He made so many friends at Jefferson that he couldn't think about not graduating with them.'What would Jonah think?' He thought. That's when his door opened.

"Hey Mat!" Jonah said. Causing Matias to slam his laptop shut. "I bought pizza rolls, but ummm, what are you hiding?"

"How would you feel if I went to a preforming arts school...?"

So yeah, I'm not dead.

Had a bad case of writers block. So things will be slow around here.

As always thanks for reading.


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