His Mistake

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            I was astonished when he said that. I stared at him in disbelief. "Y-Yagi...?"

He looked over at me with a hint of anticipation in those crystal eyes I was coming to appreciate and enjoy looking into. "Y-Yes?"

I shook my head quickly as I waved my hands. "No no, I'm confused. Why...Why Yagi?"

He seemed perplexed by my response before he genuinely gave a laugh and smiled at me heartily. "It's my last name!"

I stared at him still and then focused my gaze forward. "Yagi...seems so...normal. Nothing compared to All Might."

Yagi shrugged his shoulders as he sat there next to me and leaned back against the couch. His blush was still heavily noticeable on his face as he watched me. "I didn't choose my birth name, it's just my name. If you are s-staying here, I'd...I'd prefer to be called by my given name at home. S-So...S-So Yagi."

I nodded and leaned back to nestle myself next to him. "Makes sense to me." We just sat there in awkward silence. After that, I wasn't sure what to say to him, or what to do. After the fiasco of making him blush like a young high school boy and tormenting him while wearing his shirt like a dress, I wasn't sure how to make it up to him. I looked around the room, looking for anything to break this awkward silence before I caught notice of the kitchen. Clean...well stocked I'd imagine. I immediately stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Yagi looked after me confused. "Yamane? What...What are you doing?"

I smiled as I started going through the cabinets and rummaging through his fridge. "Cooking. I want to repay you somehow. I mean, you're a hero who's taken me into his home because I have nowhere else to go, you've looked out for me, and even though I'm pissed about it, you saved my life." I began pulling ingredients from the fridge and a couple spices from the cabinet. "Don't have a lot in here, do you? Such a bachelor."

He simply stared at me confused, before he rose and walked over to me. He towered above me. He was intimidating to say the least, but he wasn't scary to me. No, he was...a giant dork. Just a really big, muscly dork. I snickered as I turned my back to him preparing to cook. He loomed over me, observing my actions and movements. "You really don't have to Yamane."

"Shut it Yagi. I'm repaying a favor, a lot of favors. Least I can do is make your meals. How does that sound as a trade? I'll cook for you until I can get myself a new place and a new job? Seem like a fair trade?"

He stood there like a giant idiot simply watching me cook before he nodded dumbfounded. "S-Sure...y-yeah."

He decided to leave me to my work. I heard him walk back to the couch, sit down, and the buzz of the TV soon sounded. I listened to him watching the news, I suppose he never got tired of listening to all the good that was done, but it probably bothered him to hear the bad. He seemed the type of guy to focus on helping someone, even if they didn't want it...like me. He was dedicated. Very dedicated. I could admire that. Perhaps his dream was to be a hero, just as my dream is to open my shop. We all have to start somewhere.

I continued cooking, listening to the chatter of the TV and the hum of Yagi as he watched. After about thirty minutes, I had finished a somewhat decent meal. I then turned and washed my hands in his sink before looking over to him. "Yagi, dinner's finished."

I could see the hint of a blush forming as he got up and went over to where I was in the kitchen. "T-T-Thank you...for cooking."

I smiled up at the big dork and gave his signature thumbs up. "Of course!" He gave a pretty heart laugh, but not his fake one as he took both plates to the table. We sat across from each other and began eating.

If the silence from sitting on the couch wasn't awkward, this was worse. We just sat there...eating in silence. I racked my brain looking for something to start a conversation. Anything to fix this silence. "I-Is it...good?"

Yagi nodded his head, his blonde hair moving with the motion of his head. "Delicious. Do you cook often Yamane?"

I laughed a bit as I ate, give a shake of my head to indicate no. "Nah, I'm not much for cooking, but hey, maybe doing this will make me better."

He laughed with me as we shared our meal together. The silence was still deafening and powerful, but I was feeling much more at ease now knowing that he at least was enjoying the meal.

When we had both finished, I attempted to gather the plates to begin cleaning up the mess I had made, but Yagi stopped me. He gave me his fake toothy grin, "Allow me." He went over to the sink and began washing the dishes. I just stared at him, somewhat mesmerized by this scene. All Might, up and rising pro-hero, washing dishes. It was...strange, but it made sense. He was a human. I kept telling myself, he's just another random guy. He's no different from anyone else.

I gave a yawn before I stretched in my seat and stood. "Well Yagi, I'm getting a bit drowsy. I'm going to hea –"

I was cut off by the blaring ring of a cell phone. Yagi quickly flipped out his phone, answered it and looked to me. "Sorry Civilian Yamane! I must take my leave as I am needed!" He ran to his room, changed quickly into his hero costume, and left. I ran to the window to watch where he was going, I could barely make out his figure before he jumped as he had done when he was bringing me here and vanished from my sight.

I sighed, now I was alone in his house. What to do now? I went back to the sink and finished washing the dishes before sauntering over to the bedroom. I fell face first into the bed again, breathing in deeply. I hadn't noticed the scent of the sheets before. They smelled like he had when I clung to him. Rustic. Sturdy. It was a nice scent. I lay there with my face in the sheets before I groaned and decided to crawl under the sheets and take my place on the bed. After about fifteen minutes of staring at the strange, new room I found myself sleeping in. I drifted off into a beautiful slumber.

At least it would have been beautiful, but at some point, something heavy slammed into the bed. The force jostled me and sent me bouncing up into the air before I fell back down onto the bed. I attempted to focus my eyes, to see into the darkness only to make out a figure in the dark laying next to me. A cape draped over their figure as they slept soundly on the bed. "A-All...Y-Y-Yagi?" I reached my hand out to poke the figure, the tense bulging muscles indicated to me immediately that it was in fact Yagi. What was he thinking?! Did he forget that I was even here?!

I examined him to figure out what was going on and why he was in the room. I noticed he was still in his hero costume, which meant that he most likely just got back from wherever he ran off. Guessing from the fact that he fell into the bed must mean he's drained and very tired. He probably forgot that I was staying in here. Should I remind him that I'm here? Or should I tease him? I hesitated. The teasing from before didn't end well, so I thought best to go with gentle reminding.

I felt up his bicep to his neck to find his face and preferably his cheek. I poked at his face gently as I leaned down and whispered. "Yagi...? Hey, Yagi?" I heard an audible groan as the man moved his head from me, removing my ability to poke his face. "Dammit..." Now what was I going to do?

I sat there wondering before I went with option two. I clambered on top of the mound of sleeping muscle and sat on his back. I proceeded to poke the back of his neck gently. "Yagi? Hey, Yagi, wake up."

Another groan met my ears, but I was soon more focused on the movements he made as he rolled on his side, having me fall from his back and back onto the bed. I sat there getting a bit irritated now as I began viciously poking his back. "Yagi. Get up."

Another movement stopped me completely. He rolled over again, sent a large hand out that grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him. From there I was trapped as he held me to him. Great. Now I was a giant man's teddy bear. I lay there, figuring out what to do with myself or how to get out of my situation when I felt a rumble against my back. A gentle sigh, a content sigh left Yagi's lips as he relaxed and lay in the bed. I lay there, snuggled against him, his rhythmic breathing somewhat relaxing and the feel of his arms around me, comforting. I closed my eyes. I guess I would submit and explain myself in the morning. Besides, this situation was his fault in the first place.

I rested against him, falling asleepin his arms. I'd deal with his embarrassed, dorky outburst in the morning.    

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