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            This truly was a great start to October. I was sitting in the check-up room the doctor had left me in. He hadn't even started my chemotherapy, saying he wanted to examine the pain first before starting the chemo in case there were complications or it was something that needed his immediate attention such as it being that metastasis thing he was talking about or whatever. I simply sat there. Waiting.

Worrying thoughts started to develop in my mind once more. If it was another cancer somewhere else in my body because of my stupid lung cancer...I don't want to put Toshinori through my cancer ridden dealings again. Seeing me deteriorate before his eyes. I knew how much it bothered him...seeing those pained glances when I refused to eat or when I wore his shirt and came to him, looking so much smaller than before. He always masked the expression of pain as best he could with that stupid, idiotic signature hero smile I despised, but there were always glimmers of the suffering underneath. We both suffered.

If it was cancer...another cancer ridden part of my body...what was I going to do? I didn't want to go through that again. Another bout of cancer, yeah...and another unending heartbreak and turmoil of concern for Toshinori and agony for me. I put my hands on my face, the tips of my fingers feeling the woolen fabric of my All Might beanie. Taking the beanie off, I focused at its design, blue, with colored golds and reds to mimic the colors Toshinori's hero costume was. And on the hem...All Might was written. Such a dork. I couldn't help grinning at the beanie. Caught in a daze of happy thoughts of the man who wore the costume as well as the anguish of having to tell him I had cancer...again...

I was enamored by my daze, I missed the door opening as the doctor came in. I didn't hear him the first time, but I know he said something. Looking up at him confused, I egged him to repeat. With a shake of his head he did. "Congratulations Yamane."

"'s not cancer?! Oh, thank God! Thank fucking God!" The beanie was hugged to my chest tightly before tugging it back down on my bald head with oomph.

The doctor smiled at my reaction, I assumed he was equally as pleased to learn it wasn't cancer either. "No, it isn't cancer Yamane. Nor is it your menstrual cycle."

I was still consumed in my elation before I heard those last words and hesitated. Wait...not my..."If it's not my period, then what is it? You said it's not cancer, it's not my no no no NO!"

"Congratulations Yamane, you're pregnant." He seemed calm, and not to process that this was not a moment to be congratulating me. His tone did dour as he spoke "However, this does mean that I cannot administer your chemotherapy treatment. As it might hurt the fetus and cause later complications in your pregnancy. For now, Yamane, I would like you to go home and rest. Be sure to let All Might know of my congratulations as well, and as always, all information is kept quite confidential."

I stared at the man in disbelief. I...I couldn't be. We used protection. "Doctor, you have to be wrong. I can't be."

He shook his head, handing me the paper that he was working on typing into the computer. "See for yourself Yamane. Your tests and samples were coming up positive for pregnancy. If you don't trust me, a medical professional, you could use those pregnancy tests they sell at the stores." He had an irritated expression as though I was questioning him and his expertise.

I handed the paper back solemnly. "No...I...I trust your judgement. I excused for today Doctor?"

He nodded. "Yes Yamane. I can't give you your chemotherapy while you are pregnant, but since it was only your last treatment and you have been on a steady incline for health and your weight has been improving as well, I am not too concerned. You are even healthy enough to conceive. However, if there are complications, please contact me immediately. It is already astounding that you conceived, radiation treatment can be damaging to the body and the egg counts."

I gave a curt bob of my head as I clambered down from the examination bed and stood up straight. "Right...t-t-thanks I guess." I took my leave with that, trudging out of the room, past the waiting room, and past the front desk nurse. I left the hospital in a state of confusion.

No...there was no way...couldn't be. I shook my head of the ordeal. There was no way in Hell I was having a baby! Yeah! There had to be some mix up. This would all get sorted out and everything would be fine. No reason to alert Toshinori to the mess. I should tell him I was going to the bank though. With one deep inhale, I flipped out my phone and called the dork of a Pro-Hero. He answered calmly. "Hello? Sweetheart, how did your appointment go?"

Another sharp breath hitched in me. What if the doctor was right! No! Out of my head! "Fine Babe, just fine. No more chemotherapy! Cancer-free! You are dating a now cancer survivor."

There was such an evident smile plastered to his face that I nearly heard it through the phone as he spoke, "That's wonderful Sweetest! Did you get a chance to ask the doctor about your pain and nausea?"

Hesitation. I faltered in my nerves. Did I lie? Did I tell the truth? The way he acted earlier when it was just a teasing joke lead me to believe that it may be best not to broach the subject at all. Lie it was, but suave lie. Play it off. "Babe, I swear, it's nothing. I didn't mention it to the doctor because it's just my period starting up. You're overreacting. Do you worry this much about the injured people you save?"

"T-To a degree, yes. I-I want to make sure they are all right. I-I-I mean...I-I-I worried a lot about you when we met." He was hesitant and now off the subject of my now fast approaching problem.

"Yeah, you did. But you were trying to get into my pants. Such a horny Hero All Might is. Anyway, Babe, I need to let you go. I'm heading into the city to get some money from the bank. I want to go looking for nice curtains and see if I can find some floor paneling that would look nice. No manual labor, just shopping, I swear." I hoped I could just keep him off the subject of my injury for as long as possible. I didn't want him coming back to the subject any time soon. It would be a hassle to deal with lying to him until the doctor sorted this mistake of his out...if it was a mistake. NO! was a mistake!

"You're going into the city? Please be careful, Aizawa, Kayama, Yamada, Todoroki, myself, and a handful of other heroes have been patrolling there all day. It's been rather active there lately with danger. It's just the beginning of October and it seems that 'fright' has already made a resurgence." He was worried and working hard. No reason to give him more reason to worry.

"I'll be careful, you know me. I'm a tough cookie and a fighter. I'll stay safe." I smiled gently. My mind drifting from the news the doctor had given me to my ever-caring behemoth Clark Kent over the phone. "Love you Toshi."

If I could hear blushing, I feel I would have heard it then as Toshinori sputtered out. "I-I-I love you t-too Ayano!" His confident hero laugh permeating my eardrums giving me the signal to close my phone before he gave me a pounding headache with his moronic showmanship and laughter.

With the closing of my phone, and placing of it back into my bag, I headed towards the bank, making my way there so I could get money and do my shopping for Breathing Pollen. The bank slowly did come into view as I passed by many people, even hearing a few kids point up at me and make comments to their parents about my All Might beanie. Seeing them...I hesitantly placed a hand on my stomach without thinking. If...If I had a kid with him...would they be like that? Would they point at the T.V. and look over at me with Toshinori's beaming smile and tell me their father was saving the world? Would they admire him? Would they aspire like these children did to be like him?

No! I'm not pregnant! Damnit woman! Stop thinking you are! Pull your head out of those damned thoughts and back to reality. With a shake of my head I entered the bank...unknowing that discovering I was carrying the child of All Might was going to be the least of my worries today.

The Hero and the DamselUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum