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            I slept well that night. My wake-up call, less delightful. It started with the sound of Yagi's chest rumbling as he groaned and moved a bit. His arm that was draped over me, clasped me and pulled me closer to him. Being half-awake myself, I didn't object. He was warm, I was a bit cold. I accepted the warmth.

This lasted only a few seconds, as a moment later I felt the chest I was snuggled against tense and push me away as there was a booming, loud, overly obnoxious laughing coming from next to me. I groaned and rolled over to face the direction of the laugh and opened my eyes. In my blurry morning vision, I saw Yagi, rather close to my face. I could feel the heat radiating from him as his face was bright red. He jolted up quickly, the action leading to him falling off the bed. He stumbled and staggered to get up as he continued laughing with that fake laugh I hated.

I found this whole routine rather amusing to some degree so I propped myself up on my elbow and watched him. I gave a head tilt with a blink before I spoke, "Good morning Yagi. Do you always wake your sleeping partners up like this? Rude."

I watched as he burning up cheeks got worse and he stood, taking steps back from me, raising his hands in a manner that gestured that he was trying to ease my temper, not that I had one at the moment. "G-G-Good morning C-C-Civilian Y-Y-Yamane!" I watched as he took a deep breath and gulped. He was nervous or scared for sure. He was a bumbling dork. " me...L-L-Let me just...t-t-take my leave!"

He started to hurry towards the door, but as his hand touched the doorknob, I simply couldn't resist the chance to make this situation worse for him. "But why? This was your idea Yagi."

I watched as the muscular back that was bent down, clutching the doorknob to leave the room, tensed visibly. That struck something. I focused on him, curious as to how the bumbling hero would respond. I wasn't technically wrong. This was his idea, or rather his mistake. He stood there a moment, I assume gathering his thoughts, or perhaps that 'fake confidence' of his. I heard the rumble of his laughter before hearing the outburst of it as he turned around. "W-W-Whatever do you m-mean Y-Yamane?! I-I-I would n-never be so...s-so bold and crass! I-I-I'm All Might."

I gave a face to him as I sat up in the bed watching him. "So...does that mean I call you All Might again, or...are you just running out of excuses to say at the moment?"

I started to grin as the expression of embarrassment on his face got worse. I wasn't sure if he could get anymore embarrassed or red. I snickered, covering my mouth with my hand in a poor attempt to hide my amusement. He stared at me giggling at him, opened his mouth to say something before getting more flustered and opening the door and quickly fumbling to close it behind him.

I sat on the bed laughing. This was too great. This great defender of the nation, up-and-coming pro-hero was a complete mess of a man. He couldn't even think of a comeback to me. I just laughed for a good few minutes before I composed myself. I took a few deep breaths, placing my hand on my chest before getting out of the bed. I did take a moment to glance at where Yagi had slept that night. Was it wrong of me to think that sleeping in his arms was...nice? I shook my head. No! I'm not a fangirl. It's just because he was warm, that was it.

I went to the door, deciding I had officially calmed down from my laughing fit, and went to the kitchen to start some breakfast. I was surprised to see Yagi already in the kitchen making himself something to eat. I looked over at him, but as my eyes met his blue crystals, he quickly looked away from me with an awkward cough. For some reason, it kind of pissed me off when he did that. "Hey! What the Hell?! You eye me up yesterday and now you can't bear to look at me?" I stomped over to him and started beating my fists against his lower abdomen irritated. "Make up your damn mind, do you like me or not?!"

I paused. What...what did I just say? Like?! I couldn't have said that. That didn't make any sense. Why does it matter if he likes me or not? He said I was his friend, obviously he likes me as a friend, so why the Hell did I phrase it that way.

I turned my green-eyed gaze up to him, meeting his blue eyes as they stared down at me confused and...what was that expression? Shock? Probably shock. I had stopped hitting him, as I was too distracted and embarrassed by what I had said to even fathom hitting him again. I stood there, dumbstruck and staring, my cheeks heating up and most likely turning pink as I watched his eyes. Completely focused.

He remained focused on me before that odd expression in his eyes changed to worry. He said something. What was he saying? I wasn't paying attention. What was I even saying? I like him? Well yeah, I mean, he's All Might, that's pretty cool. A likeable thing. Sure, he's attractive. Like? Like like? I mean...maybe...? Wait! No. No! Not a fangirl. I shook my head and I felt tears well in my eyes as I panicked. I wasn't sure what to do or how to respond. I simply stood there, before...I started doing a laugh.

I laughed and waved as I walked out the front door, not turning around. I think he called after me, I wasn't sure. I wasn't really paying much attention. I was incredibly focused on the ever-fascinating world outside as I left his home with a walk that evolved into a full-on sprint. I kept running, until I couldn't run anymore. I didn't have a destination in mind, I just wanted to get away from the awkward situation I had just put myself in. Yelling something like that at him, what was I even thinking.

After a few blocks of sprinting in random directions, I slowed to a jog, and then a walk. My side was aching in pain as I heaved breath into my lungs. I could hardly breath. My sides hurt, my legs hurt, my face hurt from that stupid laugh I did. Now I felt like a hypocrite for doing his stupid signature laugh. Ugh. I'm the absolute worst.

I kept inhaling and exhaling calmly, trying to get air back into my body as I took in my surroundings. Everything was...unfamiliar. I had no idea where I was. However, there was a park up ahead so I decided it would be best to make my way over there. I headed towards the park, resigning myself to sitting there and thinking about my life choices for a bit before attempting to figure out where temporary home was located.

I sat on the bench, watching the children that were at play, their parents chatting away with each other. It was peaceful, certainly a good place to reconsider my choices and contemplate how I was going to not only get out of the awkward situation I had just presented to myself at Yagi's home, but also figure out the situation of how to get a new place to stay so I can leave his home.

I thought about my dreams once more, as the flower shop I used to draw pictures of as a kid floated into my mind. Those pictures were gone, burned up in the fire, just like my dreams of that shop. Not a viable source of income to leave Yagi's place.

Yelling. Those children were being rather loud with their playing. I shook my head to get the sound out as I thought. I couldn't rely on my job, that wasn't going to work at all considering I had kind of quit in a rather...impolite fashion to say the least. Hm...perhaps I could find work at someone else's flower shop? Maybe a bakery? Café? I'm not a bad waitress, I just don't like doing it.

More yelling, a bit more frantic than before. I lifted my head as I looked over at the playground. I had officially been taken from my thoughts by this point and I was glad I had been. At the park, was a man. A man, with a quirk. A villainous looking man, with a quirk, and he had one of the children as hostage. I quickly got to my feet looking around the area for any signs of help. The father looked frightened as he stepped forward to his daughter. The villain held his hand out threateningly. "One more move and the little girl is gone! Give me everything you have. All of you!"

I stood there, looking for something to do. I had no choice, I needed to sneak. I side stepped out of his vision, trying to be quiet as I went towards the playground, attempt to stay out of his line of sight. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, until I felt a sharp pain go through my shoulder. "You!" I winced as I clamped my hand over my shoulder and looked over at the man with the little girl in his clutches. "You trying to be a hero or something?!"

I winced at the pain before I gritmy teeth and smirked. "Or something..."    

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